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[Guide]How to Connect to GRnet & Gather Chans!

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first of all you need to have the mIRC programm in your computer so if you dont

donwload Here!

now after installing it open Mirc

there will be a small window that has 2 options (register and continue)

press continue(dont worry about the expansion time, when its over you just wait for 10 secs and continue appears again.)

then a second window with register and continue option.

you still press continue.

and now

there should be a third window

with many options

it will be like this one:


now as you see i have added fake names and e-mail.

so that means there should be no problem to add your real.

the only thing that should be real is the Nickname :)

now lets start

You press OK button not Connect.

and you have to wright down that on status window(its the window that will be opened behind)

/s nana.irc.gr

Nana.irc.gr will be the server that you use to connect

there are more but i prefer this one!

when do this there will come up 3 red lines that will wright

-nana.irc.gr- *** Looking up your hostname...
-nana.irc.gr- *** Found your hostname, cached
-nana.irc.gr- *** Checking Ident

well just wait now for a few seconds!

then you will notice a huge spam and a small window will open with some channel names(just close that small one!).

now if you are already registered

the only thing you have to do is

/identify password

and put your own password there.

but if you are not registered then its another story.

so lets start the registration.

you wright down:

/ns register password

/ns(nickserver) is a command to send the next to the nickserver

register means you want to register(obvious :P ) and

password (here put the password you like!) is that you'll need to /identify (login at the other times!)

now there will be a message(in red letters) that will ask you to wait about 500 sec (big time i cant to anything about that!)

well just relax for now and read the next article :P

after this you will be given an Activation number.(some times its stacks due to many ppl trying to register so you just have to repress "/ns register password" and you will get one!)

now rewright that command with putting the activation number last

like that

/ns register password activation_number

your nickname should be either now get register (that means if you dont login for the next 35 days it will be deleted)

or someone else got it so change nick and retry.


now lets supposed you are register

the only thing you have to do is wright that command and each connect and you are all set up!

/identify password

if you have any problems condact me! :)


some extra tips.

Gather Channels:










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  • 10 months later...

It seems nice, the guide, but i don't understand . What is this is this some Greek Servers of Counter-Stike or channels or what?

Actually this a guide how to connect to Greek gather channels via mIRC.Gather games,are steam games which are organised via mIRC you join a game,then when 10 ppl are gathered (it's 5v5) u receive an Ip and a pass to connect to game and u play both Ct and T for 10-15 rounds.After a gather game ends you get stats, eg 12321 wins 123 losses,moreover it's sth like a competition..Wish i helped you.
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Actually this a guide how to connect to Greek gather channels via mIRC.Gather games,are steam games which are organised via mIRC you join a game,then when 10 ppl are gathered (it's 5v5) u receive an Ip and a pass to connect to game and u play both Ct and T for 10-15 rounds.After a gather game ends you get stats, eg 12321 wins 123 losses,moreover it's sth like a competition..Wish i helped you.


Mega undig,

Check the days before you post anywhere. (Last reply May 27, 2009,) :S First warning.



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