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For High Rate Daggers need Dex+4 Str-4 Con+4 Str-4

For Low Rate Daggers need Str +4 Con-4 Dex+4 Con-4 ( when u xping u need just ur p.atk cuz is useless to use skills in every mob that u gonna atk)

Archers: Str+5 Con-5


Plains Walker & Treasure Hunter:






And in this deye use Dagger witch Haste or Focus , no CRT.DMG , this deye - u all str and when u give critical , u critical it's lower dmg and witch this deye u use haste or focus u chance uping for critical and u hiting it's fasting.




Plains Walker & Treasure Hunter:






And in this deye use Dagger witch Haste or Focus , no CRT.DMG , this deye - u all str and when u give critical , u critical it's lower dmg and witch this deye u use haste or focus u chance uping for critical and u hiting it's fasting.




epic fail. 1st: speak english pls (i lol'ed). 2nd: dagger haste/ evasion sucks rly hard, Crit. Dmg sould be the best for a dagger class...


anyway it posted over 100.000 times which dyes are good for a dagger type. use search next time.


by the way:


-3 STR +3 DEX

-2 STR +2 DEX

-4 STR +4 CON




Hey everyone Can You Post What Dyes Do You Prefer ON Dagers (Ghost Sentiel, Ghost Hunter, Adv.) Thnx

WTF Ghost sentiel - dager class ????!?!? NOOOOO



epic fail. 1st: speak english pls (i lol'ed). 2nd: dagger haste/ evasion sucks rly hard, Crit. Dmg sould be the best for a dagger class...


anyway it posted over 100.000 times which dyes are good for a dagger type. use search next time.


by the way:


-3 STR +3 DEX

-2 STR +2 DEX

-4 STR +4 CON



agreed 100% and sometimes i use +4wit-4int dye for more casting speeed :)


... i use +4wit-4int dye for more casting speeed :)


nop dyes there for cast speed are useless. take instead the cast speed more CON or DEX and everything will be oke. =)


nop dyes there for cast speed are useless. take instead the cast speed more CON or DEX and everything will be oke. =)

+1con or dex in sometimes sucks in some servers i use freezing strike or hex so i need faster casting speed so +4 wit helps  but i more often use +3dex+2dex -5str and +4con-4str  :)


epic fail. 1st: speak english pls (i lol'ed). 2nd: dagger haste/ evasion sucks rly hard, Crit. Dmg sould be the best for a dagger class...


anyway it posted over 100.000 times which dyes are good for a dagger type. use search next time.


by the way:


-3 STR +3 DEX

-2 STR +2 DEX

-4 STR +4 CON




Stupid man , why u - 9STR and u use CRT.DMG are idiots/n00bs realy and when u have crit u crit are lower . And im told best deye (me idea) for TH and PW , for AW dont only im know for AW best dagger witch crt.dmg . For TH and PW best it's Dex & Con - STR and dagger witch haste/focus/Chance(to Skills) im prefer focus/haste . Me idea only im told this here .


And dont Quote me posts , im dont have time for give answer to you stupid idea/question.

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