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[move]Hide this post: Apo 99 sta 5 mias kai to phx den piani se tosous polous server!![/move]

Dokimasmeno se l2PHX 3.1.8 C6 IL


mpenoume sto l2phx kai pame na kanoume new Script px me name open the doors, patame ok...

kanoume adigrafi ton kodika pou einai pio kato kai epikolisi mesa sto l2phx.. meta kanoume save..

afou tsekaroume to koutaki apo to open the doors ean to onomasete etsi pame se mia porta kai patame to

Shift kai diplo klik pano stin porta opou mas vgazi ena para8iro.. se emena den egrafe tpt para mono 2 koutakia..

patiste to ena apo ta dio 8a einai to Open kai to alo to close..






// Îòêðûòèå/çàêðûòèå ëþáûõ äâåðåé, âîðîò è ò.ä. À òàêæå ïðîõîä â äàëüíåéùåì ÷åðåç îòêðòóþ äâåðü äàëüøå.
// Ðàáîòàåò íà âñåõ ñåðâåðàõ, íî ïðîéòè ÷åðåç îòêðûòóþ äâåðü ìîæíî íà ñåðâåðå, ãäå íåò ãåîäàòû (java).
// ×òîáû èñïîëüçîâàòü ñêðèïò, âûäåëèòå íóæíóþ âàì äâåðü ÷åðåç Shift + ëåâàÿ êíîïêà ìûøè
// Àâòîð: Furious
// Âåðñèÿ: 0.2

Bypass: String;
ObjectID, ActionID, Status: Integer;

HTML='<html><body><center><img src="L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco"'+
' width=256 height=32><font color="LEVEL">Ìåíþ óïðàâëåíèÿ âî'+
'ðîòàìè è äâåðÿìè</font><br><font color="LEVEL">Àâòîð: Furio'+
'us</font><img src="L2UI.SquareWhite" width=260 height=1><im'+
'g src="L2UI.SquareBlank" width=260 height=4><br1><td><butto'+
'n value="Îòêðûòü" action="bypass -h open" width=70 height=1'+
'5 back="sek.cbui94" fore="sek.cbui92"></td><br><td><button '+
'value="Çàêðûòü" action="bypass -h close" width=70 height=15'+
' back="sek.cbui94" fore="sek.cbui92"></td><br></tr><img src'+
'="L2UI.SquareWhite" width=260 height=1><img src="L2UI.Squar'+
'eBlank" width=260 height=4><br1></center></body></html>';

procedure ShowHTML;

procedure DoorAction;

 if FromClient and (pck[1]=#$04) then
     if ActionID=1 then
 if FromClient and (pck[1]=#$21) then
     case Bypass of
     'open':Status:=0 and DoorAction;
     'close':Status:=1 and DoorAction;







         [move]Ean exei xanagini To idio /delete....

         epsaksa ligo ala den vrika tpt Isos na exei kialo paromio ala telos padon :P



pedes apo oti exo diapistosi tora otan anigo tin porta tin vlepo mono ego kai mono ego mporo na mpenovgeno.. ola ta ala ta atoma vlepoun klistes tis portes.. na xerete...


Tested se interlude java server k dn anoigoun oi portes. Anyway +1 karma epeidi dn exw ksanadei kati tetio, thanks, mprabo!


pedes doulevi ali8ia... an 8elete mporo na  vgalo videaki na to dite...

ego to exo dokimasi poles fores se portes apo CH.. exo kai ala script kai 8a prospa8iso na ta anevaso.


otan sou vgazi to para8iro gia na anixis tin porta patas to pano to koutaki.. to kato einai to close ala min to patiseis... mono open na kaneis..

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