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So these days (especialy) i have seen many fussing about the new features of l2 gracia final. Ok i also to believe that interlude was the best ever chronicle of the history of l2. But all of you who complain all the time that new weaps and armors ruin gameplay just sit for i minute and think. Why do they realy spoil the game? I will try and give an answer to that. Most of you play high rate. What does high rate mean? very big ammount of stats and unballanced gameplay. You ppl complain about dual daggers. Ofcourse in high rate they will pwn. Its normal. But do you know why NC soft is doing it? Cause they are low rate. And to craft something like this (if u know what craft is) will take at least 1 year cause of spoil(if you know this as well) is low and expensive. S grades are hard to get on low rates and the balance is kept in normall ammount. So all the balance is ruined cause u can buy many things that you shouldt ar better not so fast.  In zeus the new server is on about 3 months now and their not a single S grade. What about S80? These things wont almost never come out. I mean crafting something like this is harder than crafting C-B-A-S grade together. They need crazy materials and parts wich trust me are hard to obtain.


And i my opinion L2 will always be L2.  Some ppl started saying that gracia final is crap and you started following them without even trying it.


This is my opinion about all this flaming towards NC soft. And guess what. NC soft doesnt give a rats *ss about your opinion. 


Sorry if i was agrresive but i tired of all this. :)


So these days (especialy) i have seen many fussing about the new features of l2 gracia final. Ok i also to believe that interlude was the best ever chronicle of the history of l2. But all of you who complain all the time that new weaps and armors ruin gameplay just sit for i minute and think. Why do they realy spoil the game? I will try and give an answer to that. Most of you play high rate. What does high rate mean? very big ammount of stats and unballanced gameplay. You ppl complain about dual daggers. Ofcourse in high rate they will pwn. Its normal. But do you know why NC soft is doing it? Cause they are low rate. And to craft something like this (if u know what craft is) will take at least 1 year cause of spoil(if you know this as well) is low and expensive. S grades are hard to get on low rates and the balance is kept in normall ammount. So all the balance is ruined cause u can buy many things that you shouldt ar better not so fast.  In zeus the new server is on about 3 months now and their not a single S grade. What about S80? These things wont almost never come out. I mean crafting something like this is harder than crafting C-B-A-S grade together. They need crazy materials and parts wich trust me are hard to obtain.


And i my opinion L2 will always be L2.  Some ppl started saying that gracia final is crap and you started following them without even trying it.


This is my opinion about all this flaming towards NC soft. And guess what. NC soft doesnt give a rats *ss about your opinion. 


Sorry if i was agrresive but i tired of all this. :)

Yes bro, but u know that nobody will read ur topic,they will just spam shit...

Tbh i didn't try to play lineage 2 with client higher than interlude. On my server soon is hellbound update so i will check... but i'm looking these days to check some gracia servers they are looking very nice for me..


It doesnt really imply to me at all, i dont care cuz i play mid/high rates wich are buyable from the gm shop for a price of whether is GBs or FA or some other type of currency exchange, its the ppl who play retail and low rates problem...


It doesnt really imply to me at all, i dont care cuz i play mid/high rates wich are buyable from the gm shop for a price of whether is GBs or FA or some other type of currency exchange, its the ppl who play retail and low rates problem...


Mid rates i have never played but never actually liked the idea of starting there. In mid rates the  balance is not screwed up like in high rates. harder to obtain so less crazy stats. But in high rates things change. The best high rate server is the one that doesnt have shity customs and things. Cause i said in my post that they f*ck gameplay even more. In all the high rates i have played with S80 things i left as soon i saw them. But low rate and official its different.

Firsti you must spoil them. And they have something like 4% chance from dropping from a mob. Then craft them. And you need a massive number of materials(items required in low rates) and the recipe. And the recipe itself is 60% chance to succed. So i guess getting these things on retail aint that easy.


And to other ppl.

-Gamers that forget history are forced to fail. Never forget where you started but also never say no to the future. :)


-Many ppl will think of this as spam but trust me that is not my goal.


-And thanks for saying i am native speaker. ;)



How much times may i repeat myself? NCSoft buys the game from Korean's its developed in Korea by Korean's.


Personally, I do miss C4 days. Those were good times. Mid rate off servers had some really great communities.


My biggest problem is the more you add to classes, the harder it is to balance them. Not only that, but there's power creep to consider too. That is, CP, HP, and MP haven't exactly kept up with the new power provided from the latest armors, weapons, and skills.


On high rate servers this is VERY noticable. On low rates it's not as bad, but still noticable in the later levels.


Mostly, people have issues with the lack of balance that the new items and skills bring. Back in C4 days, you KNEW what classes did what and everyone was for the most part, pretty happy with their role (though prophets, bds, and sws will always QQ).


About time for someone to make a post like this...I hear many people saying that each new chronicle comes out, SUCKS..And you know why's that??Cuase they hear from other pple saying "it sucks" and they don't wanna be different from them..They tell it without trying it at all..LOL..

All I have to say is that each Chronicle comes out, makes me play more L2..Cuase there are lot of new stuff and cool stuff..If you know how to

take control of a server, then I don't even think that will be unbalances..But people really got to stop saying these bullsh*t cause they haven't even tried



Thank for agreeing with me. But just think of the other side of the toppic. If gracia 2 for example wasnt good and NC Soft saw less and less customers in the server would have removed it AT ONCE from the server and start developing a new one that was better. IMO gracia 2 in very good and i simply just cant wait for final to come out.


Are you blind, Korean version came out, or you are playing retail and waiting for it in there?

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