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Buffer/init problem plz help



Hi you guys helped me a lot the last days with your shares!!

I am using Ct2 l2jfree

But i have a problem with my buffer.I install it corectly and when i go to press to take the buffs it says me you are not a quest or you dont meet the requirements!

when i go to init.py to add the quest the line Custom/9999.... guess what?init.py is empty

after the searced i did i find another buffer i find another solution that told me to go and copy this custom/9999_NPCBuffer/__init__.py

to scrips.cfg i did it but again nothing

plz can u help me?

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5 answers to this question

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Since you are from Greece Read this topic about how to add a buffer...Your problem is on __init__.py


Open the __init__.py delete everything and add this

__all__ = [
print ""
print "importing custom data ..."
for name in __all__ :
    try :
        __import__('data.jscript.custom.'+name,globals(), locals(), ['__init__'], -1)
        print "failed to import quest : ",name
print "... done"
print ""


If you have any problems read this http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=33769.0 ~> Greek Language

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I did what u told me but nothing yet

i made click on the buffs but nothing happens any idea for what is the problem?

plz help

i see the buffs ww,shield etc but when i click on them nothing happens

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how u solved the problem?:SS

i have the same problem.

and with clan/ally quests..

help plz..


dont bump old topics i know hard to read rules...but atleast try it...


locked.open a new thread with your problem dont bump old ones.

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