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DoS & DDoS, The common misconceptions and mistakes


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Ok, so lately i have seen allot of newbies (And i will refrain from calling them n00bs) writing tuts and batch files to preform dos, or as some of them like to call it "DDoS" (tho most of the time they truly aren't DDoS, and this will be explained later), the basic intent of this tut is to show you What DoS and DDoS really is, There effectiveness and restrictions, and some simple ways to preform these attacks.



What is DoS?

Ok, so lets start with the basics, DoS stands for Denial Of Service. The basic idea of DoS is to send large packets of data to a server or computer so as it is receiving a massive amount more data then it is usually designed to handle this will flood there connection and Deny its usual services eg, if you are DoS attacking a website (and are successful, and this is as rare as finding a CoD player with a active sex life) then the website will be off line, and no longer providing a service, basically think of it as a lot of people trying to get through a door, they cant all fit right?




Also people seem to think that DoS is a permanent measure of destruction, well sorry guys but that is far from the truth, almost the moment you stop your attack the site or computer will regain its usual connection and be on its happy way. However by using a DDoS attack from a Botnet of infected computers (will be explained later) you are able to keep a site down for extended periods of time. and for god sake, PLEASE don't call DoS or DDoS hacking!



What is DDoS?


DoS is Distributed Denial Of Service basically, its a DoS attack on a single victim IP from multiple computers (usually a large Botnet). Now i want to stay on the topic of Dos and DDos Here, but there is a great tut on Botnets HERE.


width=640 height=322http://i44.tinypic.com/9abmkx.png[/img]


IMPORTANT!Please note that while figure 1 is a perfectly valid DDoS attack, figure 2 is a big bowl of fail, as all it will do is flood your own router and stop you from accessing the internet and all other network connections you may have.


So all this said and done... how do i use DoS?

A simple batch code for this is below, please note that anything after a semicolon (a ; symbol) is a comment, and is a note to you and will not be read by windows when running the script.

@echo off
:loop  ;This creates a tag for loop, it will basicly loop to this point when told to.
ping *VICTIM-IP-OR-DNS-HERE* 5000 ;Will ping your victim with a 5000kb packet
goto loop ;tells the code to run from "loop" onwards.



Is Dos effective?

Short and sweet answer is no, there are a few websites out there that are easily Dosed and DDosed like http://www.wgvc.sa.edu.au/ but servers are getting more powerful these days and so are firewalls, so sorry boys and girls but DoS is outdated! even back in its day it was looked upon as a bit of a joke. but don't totally discount it, this like many outdated attacks like telnet are still used today in some situations.



Ok, so what have we learned? DoS is denial of service from one pc, DDos is from many, it works by flooding packet data and it will Very rarely work.


If u wanted to copy this tut , give credits !

by ./ hackspot team , c0rrupted , http://hackspot.gr



p.s sorry for the bad quality of images




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Lawl, thats nice at least now ppl know what DoS is since they were asking me why can be server started again after you DoS it [speaking for CS] Well hopefully now they do understand, i will give you a karma, and i'll hope more tutorials come out from your side.


EDIT : Also since you need the Internet Protocol of the site/server you want to perform DoS i wanted to explain how to.



For example lets take www.ucoz.com.


So you'll have to


2)Run/ cmd

3)type in there "tracert www.thesitewhichipyouwanttoknow.com

4)And there you have it now you have the Internet Protocol [iP] of the site.

Picture :



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Lawl, thats nice at least now ppl know what DoS is since they were asking me why can be server started again after you DoS it [speaking for CS] Well hopefully now they do understand, i will give you a karma, and i'll hope more tutorials come out from your side.


EDIT : Also since you need the Internet Protocol of the site/server you want to perform DoS i wanted to explain how to.



For example lets take www.ucoz.com.


So you'll have to


2)Run/ cmd

3)type in there "tracert www.thesitewhichipyouwanttoknow.com

4)And there you have it now you have the Internet Protocol [iP] of the site.

Picture :




Well thanks ,

i think this the most simple tut about dos :D

cuze 1 pic = 1000 words ;)

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