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Gia arxi prepei na exeis Tilefwno :P

De xreiazesai kamia syndesi ektws toy tilefwnoy...

An kai apo oti 8ymamai i karta exei kai odigies...


ti karta gia to internet perno??


Re file den 8imame....pigene se ena peripotero kai pes ston an8ropo file exeis kartes gia to internet? kai 8a sou pei nai exei twn 10 euro, 25 euro. Vasika exartate kai tis wres p 8a eisai mesa....egw 8a perna mia 25ara...alla den exei megalh taxitita giauto xexna to l2/wow h allo online game mono sites.


Angel of death ...kai gamw to sign exeis :D


to kaimeno to gati :D


Spammer eleos diladi kaneis post gia na peis ston Angel of death oti exei wraio sing??? lol re!!


Angel of death ...kai gamw to sign exeis :D


to kaimeno to gati :D


Afto eida kai egw twra oti ektos apo to spam einai kai apo alli xwra(oute kan xerw pou peftei kai milaei ellinika...)


//ontopic Kai perneis karta me 25 eurw kai dn exoune kali sundesi...Se merika xronia oloi 8a einai me ta usb sticks pou parexoun internet kai 8a exoume 24ares sundeseis perimenete kai 8a to deite...


Λοιπον Νωμιζω για να μπεις στο ιντερνετ πρεπει να εχεις και μοντεμ ι να εχεις λαπτοπ που το εχει ενσοματομενο... αν δεν κανω λαθος... :P

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