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WTS L2 Reloaded Char/Items

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1)A/S Grade Armors(Enchanted Or Not)

2)A/S Weapons(Enchanted Or Not)

3)Adena(Over 1.2kkk)


Got Some Stuffs Overenchanted I am not gonna write them here! Pm for moar





1)Adventurer Level 77 nearby 78

2)Duelist Level 78

3)Sagi Level 79 nearby 80(Subbed Already 1)PW 76 2)Necro 73 + Noble



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so where's ur problem??i just said my opinion..i didnt read any rule that says dont say ur opinion otherwise u will get ban,or -1 karma or whatever.

who cares for your opinion when u spam the whole forum with stupid post just to gain post? go get some brain!

I am not gonna spam anymoar!PM for spam oh i forgot u dont gain post spaming @ pms

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well listen kiddo.i'm not a spammer.if u check my posts u will understand that i say everywhere my opinion or something.i'm not posting thanks good nice and so..if u dont care for my opinion then just ignore me.kktnx

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@paokole the Whole subforum about private server got yours post With texts like I ll try this server!etc etc! every 5 mins y join new servah? right???

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i just download them for my internet cafe.and guess what..kids are going crazy with every server i add.anyway enough.i just said that it's a pitty people spend money for some pixels.enough from me.going to work with sony vegas.

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