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[Tutorial] Amazing Photo Effect


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Credits ~~>  nblovavatar 



In this photoshop tutorial we are going to create an amazing looking photo effect.


Step 1: First open any image.




Step 2: Duplicate the layer. Go to Filter> Other> High Pass and use these settings:




Step 3: Apply Film Grain Filter so go to Filter> Artistic> Film Grain. We are going to use these settings:




Step 4: In this step change the layer blending mode to 'Overlay'.




Step 5: Go to Filter> Artistic> Cutout and use the following settings:




Step 6: Duplicate the existing layer. We need to add more definition, so go to Filter> Artistic> Poster Edges and apply the following settings:




Step 7: Set the blending mode of this layer to 'Hue' and the Opacity to about 80%.




Here's is the Final Result!:



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  • 1 year later...

Great? :D I don't think so, it is not nice ...

Ok bad guy it is awful...OK? :P :P

Well i think that you can make more impressive things like that which shared with us..(opinion)

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