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afto eipame re megale esi???esi eleoc.wraia.opws les oloi afenomaste sta games kai stin diaxirisi tou eautou mas apo tis kerdoskopes etairies pou o monos logo pou vgazoun  ta paixnidia einai ta lefta.fantasou mia athina kathe mera ena tetoio simban.tha itan san ta atiximata pou ginontai stous dromous kathe mera.kai an oxi kathe mera ok.alla an mia mera sinevenai se enan filo s omigenito eee???i akoma kai se esena ama ginotan tote dn tha ekrazes dn peirazei gia 10.dn 3erw an parakoloutheis eidisis alla pisteuew na eides ti egine stin germania.posoi nekroi kai malista kai mikra paidakia.mia kathigitria gia na prastatepsei alla paidia.kai GT MONO GIA ENA VIDEO GAME.alla opws leei kai o gerakiotis dn peirazei.as pethenei kathe mera kai apo 1as.siga kalitera gia tin oikonimia eee?epidi mono kai mono mia etairia kai genikotera enas thelei na exei kai tzakouzi stin toualeta tou kai 5o ama3i kai 10 spitia.GT???gt na tou kanoume ti xari na psixothoume gia na vgalei lefta?gia na diaskedasoume??ama thes diaskedasi vges e3w me ta filarakia s,pigene gia kanena potaki,paikse ligo mpalitsa.dn s lew paikse kai video games.alla ola me metro.gi'auto eleoc.


afto eipame re megale esi???esi eleoc.wraia.opws les oloi afenomaste sta games kai stin diaxirisi tou eautou mas apo tis kerdoskopes etairies pou o monos logo pou vgazoun  ta paixnidia einai ta lefta.fantasou mia athina kathe mera ena tetoio simban.tha itan san ta atiximata pou ginontai stous dromous kathe mera.kai an oxi kathe mera ok.alla an mia mera sinevenai se enan filo s omigenito eee???i akoma kai se esena ama ginotan tote dn tha ekrazes dn peirazei gia 10.dn 3erw an parakoloutheis eidisis alla pisteuew na eides ti egine stin germania.posoi nekroi kai malista kai mikra paidakia.mia kathigitria gia na prastatepsei alla paidia.kai GT MONO GIA ENA VIDEO GAME.alla opws leei kai o gerakiotis dn peirazei.as pethenei kathe mera kai apo 1as.siga kalitera gia tin oikonimia eee?epidi mono kai mono mia etairia kai genikotera enas thelei na exei kai tzakouzi stin toualeta tou kai 5o ama3i kai 10 spitia.GT???gt na tou kanoume ti xari na psixothoume gia na vgalei lefta?gia na diaskedasoume??ama thes diaskedasi vges e3w me ta filarakia s,pigene gia kanena potaki,paikse ligo mpalitsa.dn s lew paikse kai video games.alla ola me metro.gi'auto eleoc.



simfono etsi opos ta les einai akrivos!!!!!!!k ontos opos lei k o gerakiotis siga more ti einai enas an8ropos brosta stin oikonomia LOL

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