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Low Rate Discussion

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Okay guys, I'm planning on returning to Lineage 2 in big style, low rate, 7x, C5. The server, you guessed it, Celes, SupremeL2. There is a grand server opening on friday, 20:00 (GMT+1). Awesome, isn't it? I'll play there and I want to play seriously, and to pwn like old good days on Lineage 2 World. Since I was playing Low Rate like 4 years ago, on Lineage 2 world, on C1-C3 times, I have no clue now how to be successful on low rates. First I'd like to ask some questions:


First, what class would you suggest me to play first? I'm a good pvper, all classes. So far I was planning on creating Necromancer, Spellhowler or Swordsinger. Is it worth to create swordsinger as a main class on 7x? I also plan to find good clan, do you think they'd want a swordsinger as a member, or they'll exp their own one? Also I'm an Olympaid fan, necromancer pwns olympaid quite good on C5, so I guess, it'll be Necromancer? Think about it and share your ideas!


Then, how to make my own business on low rates? Is it worth exping spoiler or crafter first? Some special tricks?


Any comments and ideas are appreciated.



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Well make a swordsinger and come to party(I'll be there too in the opening ;D)


About the others i dont think so half of roxy(l2dex)go there too so there be a 3K online i think in the first week that means a lots of spoliers and crafters :)

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Two simple advices...


C5 = Fighter chronicle. Imo, create an archer (Personally, I prefer Hawkeye) or any assistant except from PP and SE (sws, bd, bishop, ee, wk,ol, wc).


The other thing you should do is the most important. Join a good clan.


btw it's not worth making your own personal business on low rate. Especially in a server like azure, where dualbox is disabled.


Also, you should not worry about oly if you join a good clan and you are a good person ;)

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The key of a successful start in a low rate server is FRIENDS, or to be more precise your featured clan with which you will start leveling together when you will have a player behind every character. The least you need is a buffer , the second you need is a spoiler, crafter isn't for non-experienced guys since it has many ways of playing it and making buisness with it, the important thing is to know what you're playing and to know how to play it. If you ask me you should start on dualbox with spoiler/prophet, although if you have friends playing on support characters you should concentrate on making a spoiler for the materials. If you are indeed picking it you should start low-leveling gold mines, with that i mean you should start farming low-level materials that create the high-level ones such as VOP/DMP etc. Since its a low rate you wont level fast which will be a bonus for you because in that time you will have farmed a lot of materials you can either sell/keep them for your armor building in late game. Now  another strategy on start is SPH/NECRO + EE/SE both have mana regeneration skills and combined with the EE/SE recharge they practically never run out of mana and because of that you will level pretty much faster not to mention the extra buff you will take. There are so many ways of starting a low rate. When i usually do that i do it with bunch of friends which are experts on their classes. Usually we play organized with that i mean : 1 is dancer 1 is sws 1 is crafter 2-3 are spoilers 1 is a buffer etc... We build parties , perfect for leveling. And of course you always have to be prepared with the MEGA FARM WEP [W-A-L-K-E-R] :).


Good luck i hope i helped questions are welcome i will be glad to reply .

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Well than if you hate to be the crafter or spoiler just make a SPH and when you reach a decent level with it [52] make a crafter so you can craft your items later on. Spoiler is a good option but only if you have a friend crafter so you can craft recipes and he doing them tho i think its bad that you can't d-box .

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On server without d-box im 10000000% sure that support classes will be TOP.

1)First of all everyone will need buffs/heals/recharges, and when they can't box them

they will looking for them like crazy.

2)Clans who playing together long time and they recruit rarely

now they will start recruiting.So u can find a good clan without big problems.

3)Ok now u found

a good clan, what next...

4)xp xp xp with them, as a supporter your job is easy.Prolly after 70s

u will get bored of your supporter class.

5)U can start sub class quest, wich wont be so hard coz ''new server+good clan = many guys who will go for rading''.

6)When u take sub u will have ALL items needed for it, coz u already got a toon 76+ lvl without the need of items.

Don't forget that sws can go thru all game with just a BW heavy and a kris focus :P.


I realy suggest u to start a sws.A necro wont be in such high demand and he will need items...items that u can't

find alone.

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Nice to see old l2W player. Was there aswell :)


Anyway, my suggestion would be start with spoiler and farm all those low material cerepts. You can lvl it up like that and make some money aswell. Also spoiler will come handy later for farming mats.


Then again, if there is way to make walker work on server you are going to play (which i doubt) then make full AFK party and focus them on catacombs/necropolis deep inside. Hiden from players and nice mats/drops...


If however walker wont work, you should start with support class as Aster already said.

But i gues i would stil prefer playing spoiler because i love them (born as gringo, damn >.> )


GL on new server

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Yea I was seriously thinking about starting SwS, but I'm not sure if dualbox is prohibited there. I want also some pvps, overall I'm a good pvper, so I guess I'll start SwS and just make a sub of some good pwner, like Hawkeye or Treasure Hunter :)


Spoiler... uhm, I'll see.. I'll start with SwS, then probably start the spoiler, I hope walker will work, so I can level them systematicly.


Thanks for advices.

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I played low rates long time believe me, i know a lot about start over and over again...go SwordSinger, it will help you find a good clan


If youre starting with friends: make somehting to support the group...


Bishop: Well, at end game its sure fun and useful, but..nobody will help you xp it, besides some Warsmith to AoE places with 1/2 hp group mobs, using Big Boom


Warcryer's: there will be a lot, and finding a party to it can be a pain, super population!!!


Overlord: only if you are involved with a clan lvling it alone is out of question...


Prophet: many around, same thing as WC, plus clan hall buffs and no POF instead of COV


Shillien Elder: mana, is much more required than PP cuz mage buffs, but its C5 and theres almost no mages!!!! Vampiric helps pick up fighters, and can be fun to play


Elven Elder: Super population, hard to find parties...almost theres no mages in C5...very boring to play too, you can recharge urself in C5 , thats what u gonna do for 90% of time...a shadow behind bishops, ppl iwll pick you to buff and kick from party in sieges because they need the space for bishops...you will find urself most of times buffing in towns...and that sucks


SwordSinger and BladeDancer: both very required and not many ppl playing..specially SWS...the big clans are always looking for SWS's..so it can be a big deal


Warlock: since C5 is archer's and destroyer chronicles, warlock's always find their place in parties for xp and also in pvp parties..they can also xp alone cuz they have infinity source of mp from the cat, id say, warlock is an awesome choice for a first subclass...if ur goal is get noblesse very fast..


Elemental Summoner: not only the best class to PVE through the whole game, but a very efficient adena and materials farmer, full drops and very fast leveling, non stop pve machine!!! The summon can AoE places ppl never go because they cant take, u dont need good equips to pve, you can just focus in saving materials and adena for making A grade equips...very good for olympiad fights, id say its the most powerful class for pvp's self buffed...as a support, you wont find many mages, so can be a lonely play since C5 is fighters chronicle..but u can pick a subclass for that...get rich, get good equips and subclass!!!


Phantom Summoner: same thing as the other summoners, but even more lonely cuz your party summon has no buffs... its a PVE machine for ancient adena and gets rich faster too


Warsmith: if your goal is make money and equips for other character, go warsmith first, at beginning is where u get most things easy and cheap, prices tend to get very highter in the 2nd month...u can make a lot of profit with this in mind...for PVE get a bishop, a polearm and summon big boom to Aoe places like Skyshadow Meadow, Ancient Battleground and Silent Valley


Bounty Hunter: lonely play, just to farm mats and sell...as i said b4, many classes dont need a Bounty Hunter to farm materials, the mats just comes with time , playing PVE


Destroyer: required for raid bosses in C5...many clan players sub as Destroyers to farm raid bosses and get equipment easy...super population too


Archers: the main damage dealers in C5...theyre majority in the game...super population can be a problem


Daggers: 2nd most played classes in C5, but needs equipment to PVE and its not efficient, requires party and hard to find with the big population


SpellSinger and Sorcerer: both are out of the game in C5, they are not required , they waste mana fast, they sit over and over and its a pain to play these classes...very nerfed for pvp too...no parties, theyre just...out of the game


Necro and Spellhowler: they can solo well, but its the same thing as SPS ad Sorc...C5 is a chronicle for fighters...


Gladiator and Tyrant: both are hard to xp alone and its hard to fit them in parties


Tanks: same thing , hard to find parties, theyre just used for raid bosses..if your clan plans to xp fast killing raid bosses, make one..Shillien Knight is the only one that does well in pvp...temple knight can duo with SPS and Sorcerer for AoE places, Paladin is ubber slow to PVE nobody wants them in parties, Dark Avenger can solo with the panther





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    • Helly everyone . I use L2jmobius interlude , i did everything , installed the db compiled the Build in eclipse Gameserver seems to lead OK , but it fails to connect to loginserver When i click to start the loginserver it says  "Loginserver terminated abnormally" This is wheat gameserver shows me :    [05/10 17:25:12] LoginServerThread: Connecting to login on [05/10 17:25:12] LoginServerThread: LoginServer not available, trying to reconnect... [05/10 17:25:17] LoginServerThread: Connecting to login on [05/10 17:25:17] LoginServerThread: LoginServer not available, trying to reconnect... [05/10 17:25:22] LoginServerThread: Connecting to login on [05/10 17:25:22] LoginServerThread: LoginServer not available, trying to reconnect...   And This is my login config file:   # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Login Server Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the server configuration file. Here you can set up the connection information for your server. # This was written with the assumption that you are behind a router. # Dumbed Down Definitions... # LAN (LOCAL area network) - typically consists of computers connected to the same router as you. # WAN (WIDE area network) - typically consists of computers OUTSIDE of your router (ie. the internet). # x.x.x.x - Format of an IP address. Do not include the x'es into settings. Must be real numbers. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Networking # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bind ip of the LoginServer, use to bind on all available IPs # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">Please don't change default IPs here if you don't know what are you doing!</font></b></u> # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">External/Internal IPs are now inside "ipconfig.xml" file.</font></b></u> # Default: LoginserverHostname = # Default: 2106 LoginserverPort = 2106 # The address on which login will listen for GameServers, use * to bind on all available IPs # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">Please don't change default IPs here if you don't know what are you doing!</font></b></u> # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">External/Internal IPs are now inside "ipconfig.xml" file.</font></b></u> # Default: LoginHostname = # The port on which login will listen for GameServers # Default: 9014 LoginPort = 9014 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Database # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the JDBC driver class for your database. # Default: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver Driver = org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver # Database URL # Default: jdbc:mariadb://localhost/l2jmobiusinterlude?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&useSSL=false&connectTimeout=10000&interactiveClient=true&sessionVariables=wait_timeout=600,interactive_timeout=600&autoReconnect=true URL = jdbc:mariadb://localhost/l2jmobiusinterlude?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&useSSL=false&connectTimeout=10000&interactiveClient=true&sessionVariables=wait_timeout=600,interactive_timeout=600&autoReconnect=true # Database user info. Default is "root" but it's not recommended. Login = root # Database user password, leave empty for no password. Password = root # Maximum number of database connections to maintain in the pool. # Default: 5 MaximumDatabaseConnections = 5 # Determine whether database connections should be tested for availability. # Default: False TestDatabaseConnections = False # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Automatic Database Backup Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate database backups when server restarts or shuts down.  BackupDatabase = False # Path to MySQL bin folder. Only necessary on Windows. MySqlBinLocation = C:/xampp/mysql/bin/ # Path where MySQL backups are stored. BackupPath = ../backup/ # Maximum number of days that backups will be kept. # Old files in backup folder will be deleted. # Set to 0 to disable. BackupDays = 30 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Thread Configuration # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Defines the number of threads in the scheduled thread pool. # If set to -1, this will be determined by available processors divided by 2. ScheduledThreadPoolSize = 2 # Defines the number of threads in the instant thread pool. # If set to -1, this will be determined by available processors divided by 2. InstantThreadPoolSize = 2 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Security # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # How many times you can provide an invalid account/pass before the IP gets banned. # Default: 5 LoginTryBeforeBan = 5 # Time you won't be able to login back again after LoginTryBeforeBan tries to login. # Default: 900 (15 minutes) LoginBlockAfterBan = 900 # If set to True any GameServer can register on your login's free slots # Default: True AcceptNewGameServer = True # Flood Protection. All values are in milliseconds. # Default: True EnableFloodProtection = True # Default: 15 FastConnectionLimit = 15 # Default: 700 NormalConnectionTime = 700 # Default: 350 FastConnectionTime = 350 # Default: 50 MaxConnectionPerIP = 50 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Misc Login Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # If False, the license (after the login) will not be shown. # Default: True ShowLicence = True # Default: True AutoCreateAccounts = True # Datapack root directory. # Defaults to current directory from which the server is started. DatapackRoot = . # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Scheduled Login Restart # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enable disable scheduled login restart. # Default: False LoginRestartSchedule = False # Time in hours. # Default: 24 LoginRestartTime = 24    
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