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[Guide]Aggron Stonebreaker,The Ogre Magi (Noble)

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its been quite some time since i last created a guide.today i m going to introduce you a really good hero to play with but unfortunately luck based


If you are going to (re)publish a part or full guide just give the credits to Noble as this guide is a 100% handmade work :) all comments,details,guide is fully created by me




Aggron Stonebreaker,The Ogre Magi




Ogres, a race bred to be warriors, have no experience with the arcane arts, leaving Aggron, who was born with a rare affinity to magic, without guidance regarding his innate abilities. His own force of will harnesses his talent to produce elemental flames and explosions that consume his opponents. Being a natural warrior, he reaches into his own aggression to fuel his comrades' lust for battle. His savage, untapped magical potential is prone to fiery outbursts which enhance the potency of his spells. A towering force built on strength and magic, Aggron is honored by his people and feared by his enemies.



Starting Stats + Gains


Str: 22 + 2.75

Agi: 14 + 1.65

Int: 17 + 2


Select Ogre Magi because:


-you like support heroes

-you like playing with luck chances

-he is a nuker

-he can farm easy (especially if he use Ignite)

-he may kill a hero with just one shot

-he has a stun and a slow

-pretty good stat gains(STR+AGI)

-he has high mana

-he has High Armor

Dont play with Ogre Magi because:


-he is INT but melee...(look his introduction)

-he is relied on LUCK for a multicast

-you may NOT like support heroes or nukers

-Ogre is difficult for a period of time early game

-he could be STR  and not INT

-easily chasable(No escape route)



Skill Introduction + Explanation




Blasts an enemy unit with a wave of fire. Deals intense damage and stuns for 1.5 seconds.


Level 1 - Deals 75 damage.

Level 2 - Deals 125 damage.

Level 3 - Deals 175 damage.

Level 4 - Deals 275 damage.


Cooldown: 15 seconds.

Mana Cost:75/85/95/105


Your Bread and butter skill.Ogre Magi relies much on this skill.this is your main nuke which stuns your foe for 1,5 sec and can be combined for multicast.it deals magic damage so keep in mind the -20% magic reduction VS heroes! the relatively high cooldown doesnt let you spam this skill





Drenches a target in volatile chemicals, causing it to burst into flames. The target is in immense pain, taking damage and move more slowly.

Lasts 7.5 seconds.


Level 1 - 10 damage/sec; 10% slow.

Level 2 - 20 damage/sec; 15% slow.

Level 3 - 30 damage/sec; 20% slow.

Level 4 - 40 damage/sec; 25% slow.


Cooldown: 15 seconds.

Mana Cost:95/105/115/125


this can exterminate creep waves and slow your enemies at the same time.Useful especially when you need to finish an escaping enemy that managed to survive a gang or your multicast






Incites a frenzy in a friendly unit, increasing its movement speed and attack speed.

Lasts 30 seconds.


Level 1 - Increases attack speed by 20% and movement speed by 6%.

Level 2 - Increases attack speed by 30% and movement speed by 9%

Level 3 - Increases attack speed by 40% and movement speed by 12%

Level 4 - Increases attack speed by 50% and movement speed by 15%


Cooldown: 20 seconds.

Mana Cost:75


Bloodlust works exactly the same way as it works in W3 campaigns.this is what makes you an excessive supporter character.it is preferred that you should learn this skill mid to late game.you can use it either in yourself either at your allies.Ideals characters for bloodlust are DPS heroes ;)



Multi Cast(Passive)


Enables the Ogre Magi to rapidly cast his spells, giving them greater potency. Gives a chance to cast a spell multiple times in one cast.

Fire Blast - reduces cooldown by 3 seconds per level

Bloodlust - reduces cooldown by 5 seconds per level

Ignite - Increases area of effect by 150 per level


Works just like Death Prophet's Witchcraft.at lvl1 it reduces the cooldown of Fire Blast,at lvl2 it reduces the cooldown of Bloodlust and at lvl3 increases the AoE of Ignite for 150 of Ignite's level.Along with that it combines with all spells in order to cast multiple times similtaneously . and of course this is what makes you wanted




Skill Build(Personal)
















15:Attribute Bonus


17 - 25:Attribute Bonus


Reason of this PERSONAL skill build is that we NEED fireblast to be learned for damage and combination for multicast shots. ignite is for farming and harass. Bloodlust is learned on mid-late game where DPS and tanks have completed their basic builds and their AS and Damage are high. Learning it early game will only suck your mp leaving you helpless against an experienced player or just leaving your teammate  fighting virtually alone because having NO mp you are virtually useless.


Item Build



Aganhim's Scepter is a must...it increases your ultimate and makes you fire a spell 5 times instead of 3 :o



since our build has great mp regen items  and Ogre does NOT rely on melee attacks we will prefer Bots from Treads.Plus we will make better use of quick teleportation than AS



Shiva's Guard is a good and optional choice(not a must).it can slow your enemies damage them and make chases easier.since you are a support hero this item is good.especially good for team battles



Orchid is ideal the mp regeneration(+225% is terrific) and you silence your foes . it also provides you a pretty good damage bonus but remember Ogre Magi is a support hero.you must think about the effects every weapon gives not the damage



Disable.but if you think that we place too many items with disabling purposes i remember you that you are support hero and you cant rely on melee attacks or your HP since your spells have cooldowns that last over 10 seconds...


15qzry9.gif OR 2zjar7c.gif OR 5l1b48.gif


all 3 items are for survival reasons only :P escape or survival or extra mp regen.choose one depending on your gamestyle,or your enemies play or pick of heroes.


Situational + Alternatives



for survival purposes instead of HoT



for your own protection against some opponents



when nukers consist the majority of your foes.



for nuking survival


Rejected items


There are many...actually ALL the others but i will analyze the most weird or common.



you are not a pure tank or dps so no.



doesnt fit ... it is not supported by your mana pool. it cant be multicasted


you may have seen Ogre Magi played like a STR melee tank wearing heavy equipment. its not absolutely wrong  but i like and describe the SUPPORT way.You might get some kills but it s NOT the shown or recommended gamestyle! in advanced gaming wearing heavy staff will make you the food of your opponents especially in ladder matches





Healers=Lane controllers=survival=farm




Lane Controllers/Ranged



your fireblast along with ignite and combined with (the most) ranged heroes who have effect on hits make you perfect pair




with your bloodlust you will party  and make fun with your team.





Ezalor is every INT's hero best friend because of MP regen


Worst enemies




you are not heavy tank neither you can get them in a 1 vs 1 combat.so avoid them


Mana Burners


without mana you are useless. :P admit that

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Nice Guide Noble!!!! In worst enemies can be axe , phandom lancer and  omniknhight .

mekams can be a situational item. Ogre magi is 100% luck player... I have seen one ogre magi with 4/4 multycast lol !!!!

I am trying to make am guide to storm spirit .... The new storm spirit is very difficult and he have variaty builds ....

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mekansm is ok with me but not with tinypics ...i couldnt upload the photo thats why i abaddoned it and never put it on the list

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mekansm is ok with me but not with tinypics ...i couldnt upload the photo thats why i abaddoned it and never put it on the list

why you reupload the images? you can get the from dota allastars http://www.dota-allstars.com/items

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really???? [gr] pos to kataferes ego kano mia eikona upload kai bariemai ki esi ekanes 100 +++++ !!! I mostly choose HoT and sometimes

15qzry9.gif ....

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really???? [gr] pos to kataferes ego kano mia eikona upload kai bariemai ki esi ekanes 100 +++++ !!! I mostly choose HoT and sometimes

15qzry9.gif ....

it is because tinypics couldnt upload images in the morning...server stuck :P
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