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- 10% To L2J Server Forum, He Help me litle with (IF NAME EXIST ...RETURN)

- 5% To L2JFree Forum... About Links in 2nd Pages, 3rd Pages ... Etc, i Forgot To Put ..   

html.replace("%objectId%", String.valueOf(getObjectId()));

- 85 % To Me.



- Require 1 Dynastic Essence

- Dynastic Essence Can Buyed in Npc 50kk

- Action Delay 20 Minute

- Config For Delay

- If Name exist cant change your name. select one other.

- About Symbols - Name ... Change The Name if u mee This Criterias:

     - CnameTemplate = value (server.properties)


Core Side

- Apply The Patches Manually


Datapack Side

- Copy (custom) Folder to (data/html)

- Copy Customs.properties at your configs Folder

- Insert Service Npc in your DB ( From - npc.sql)




- Image 1 = Main Panel

- Image 2 = Name Panel

- Image 3 = Syntact Error

- Image 4 = Help File

- Image 5 = Flood Protection - Delay

- Image 6 = Item is Missing

- Image 7 = Name Already Exist

- Image 8 = Shop For Item "Dynastic Essence"

- Image 9 = Messages When use Action


i527234_Main.JPGi527235_NamePanel.JPG  i527236_SyntactError.JPGi527238_HelpFile.JPG  i527237_Flood.JPG  i527239_ItemMiss.JPG i527242_NameExist.JPG  i527244_Shop.JPG




Download Link




- Personal Message Fixed.

- Bug No1: Delay For Action Removed In Restart .... So must save Penalty in DB .. and when Load the Character to Load and Penalty... ...hmmmmmm



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Nice npc, but how can i change the reuse ?

After adding the patches, just open the properties file (customs) and change it manually.




Thnx for sharing. We'll be w8ing for you to fix the delay-bug. ;)

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After adding the patches, just open the properties file (customs) and change it manually.




Thnx for sharing. We'll be w8ing for you to fix the delay-bug. ;)


when i learn about SQL IN JAVA i will reshare it.

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