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L2JWargods Interlude Open source Project

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Hello Maxcheaters


I'm searching for real DEV People want to join my team to fix an beautiful chronicle Interlude

We are going to fix L2J what is bugged and we will bring it to retail like and not L2J Like with those noob bugs


Who will a part of our DEV Team must help us updating the server/database fixing every bug we can find and fixing Hlapex packets


Give me an PM at our forum if you want to join our Team and say your Username from Maxcheaters in the PM

I must be sure you are not a noob in programming



Website: http://l2jwargods.freehostia.com/index.php


DataPack: http://my-svn.assembla.com/svn/l2jwargods/trunk/Datapack

GameServer: http://my-svn.assembla.com/svn/l2jwargods/trunk/GameServer



Timeline: http://my-trac.assembla.com/l2jwargods/timeline

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Well i thought a good way of testing.... hehe

#Send a pm to DragonHunter with a code to make a weap +99999 :P in l2-sonic.com

Its a big project and need a lot of work.

I hope that skillfull member's will help.

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wow new project, gl br0!.


p.s: If you need any help pm me on msn (we will kill all hacks xD)!

ur too nice...i like to be a jerk most of the time...

anyways guys good luck....

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