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[Dota Contest]Dark Terror - The faceless void

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Darkterror - The Faceless Void



Range: 128 | | Move Speed: 300

Str: 17 + 2.2 | Agi: 21 + 2.65 | Int: 15 + 1.5

Damage: 58 - 64 | HP: 473 | Mana: 195

HP Regen: 0.76 | Mana Regen: 0.61

Attack Speed: 1.34 (+ 21% IAS) | Armor: 4


Pros and Cons.



1.An perfect MONSTER lategame.

2.It can disable an whole ally for 6 seconds.

3.His skills are the perfect ways to evade attacks or even escape from enemy.


1. Relies on luck for Timelock and Backtrack to trigger.(i couldn't replace that,sorry.)

2.Stat growth are almost the same as the begginig ones

3. Chronosphere disables your allies creeps and even your team to do any move.





Time Walk [W]


It instantly moves you to the selected target  and slows his movement and attack of all units.


Level 1: 700 cast range. 10% slow.

Level 2: 900 cast range. 20% slow.                             Mana Cost: 120           Cooldown: 13


Level 3: 1100 cast range. 30% slow.

Level 4: 1300 cast range. 40% slow.                           









Whenever damage is received, you can  go some steps back in time in order to dodge that damage. Can backtrack both physical and mystical attacks.


Level 1: 10% chance.

Level 2: 15% chance.

Level 3: 20% chance.

Level 4: 25% chance.





Gives a chance that an attack will do bonus damage and stun an opponent for 1 second.

Level 1 - 10% chance per attack, 40 bonus damage.

Level 2 - 15% chance per attack, 50 bonus damage.

Level 3 - 20% chance per attack, 60 bonus damage.

Level 4 - 25% chance per attack, 70 bonus damage.




Chronosphere [C]


Creates an atmosphere of time that no one can move not even his allies/creeps,while he can. Casting range increase per level. 1 second casting time.

Level 1: 3 seconds.

Level 2: 4.5 seconds.              Mana Cost: 175,200,225       Cooldown: 180

Level 3: 6 seconds.




Lvl 1: Timewalk

Lvl 2: Backtrack

Lvl 3: Backtrack

Lvl 4: Timelock

Lvl 5: Backtrack

Lvl 6: Chronosphere

Lvl 7: Backtrack

Lvl 8: Timelock

Lvl 9: Timelock

Lvl 10: Timelock

Lvl 11: Chronosphere

Lvl 12: Timewalk

Lvl 13: Timewalk

Lvl 14: Timewalk

Lvl 15: Power

Lvl 16: Chronosphere

Lvl 17-25: Power




Skill Build Explanation



One level of Timewalk game for emergency escape.

It is enough to escape from all heroes.




Using Backtrack you can evade physical attacks as magical attacks as well.Backtrack allows you to take some steps back in time in order to dodge that damage.


Timelock Gives a chance that an attack will do bonus damage and stun an opponent for 1 second.



Chronosphere it stops the time no one from your ally,creeps can move except you.Moving and killing other heroes :P





At the Beginning:

Ring of Regeneration

Flask of Sapphire Water(buy as many as you can purchase)


After that,when you have money:

Boots of Speed

2 Bracers

Cranium Basher

Mask of Madness


The Butterfly

Boots of Travel

And damage items like Buriza-Do Kyanon.





2vwdwtl.jpgNaga Siren


2m6anpj.jpgTreant Protector


                                                         Easy Preys



5e5wub.jpgDwarven Sniper

                                                         Worst Enemies




2nale7o.jpgDoom Bringer




[move]I think is Better now.IT IS OBVIOUSLY MADE BY ME NOW....[/move]







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I think your all guide is C/P...


For this you don't have any images, Just you go on site you select all and pres Ctrl+C

After You come here and press new topic and Ctrl+V after Press "Post" button right?

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I think your all guide is C/P...


For this you don't have any images, Just you go on site you select all and pres Ctrl+C

After You come here and press new topic and Ctrl+V after Press "Post" button right?


Yep. Here we are :



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i play Dota 1-2 weeks :S i dont know everything omfg... dont judge me like that :(


good job for your desicion to start dota...


but you shouldn't create guide which are not personally made by you :)


if you don't know, practice and learn.


Then create your own guide when you have found one of your favorite dota heroes and know him well ^^

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i just copied some parts not all u can see it by the link here : http://www.garena.com/forum/redirect.php?tid=343974&goto=lastpost


Yeah yeah right.


Look here what NobLe say,


....as it will earn NOTHING and we can easily find this out ....

Give Credits ONLY to yourself

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i always used to get Battle fury on Void..


it was a matter of time until i understood that it is a waste of money


you should only buy it when your farming isn't that great or when you are ganked all the time :P

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Especially since you can bash 2 ppl at once :P


not a really high rate though :P


until you stun you dead (low-mid lvl)


so that is why you should try something else :P


it isn't expencive but the g's fly :P you shouldn't lose them! spend them somewhere else ^^

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