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(Contest Guide)Lightning Revenant Razor by МØЯĮẮŊ™

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Lightning Revenant Razor




Hero Story

Razor is lightning incarnate. It is a living being, capable only of unleashing it's tremendous electrical power to anything and everything nearby. The only indication of sentience from it is its ability to control its surges, which never seems to actually strike any it would call friend. Like its namesake, it cuts to the bone, with speed and accuracy, sometimes jumping from one thing to another. It's unnatural form gives it speed, and a thirst for blood. It is a force to be reckoned with, and only the strong dare face it.



Starting Stats+Gains

STR (Streanth) - 17 + 1.9

AGI (Agility) - 22 + 1.5

INT (Intelligence) - 14 + 1.8




Why I should pick Razor?

  • Is very good farmer
  • Strong player in late and early game.
  • With first skill attack speed grow up and he can Pwn very easy.
  • Good player on 1vs1 and 5vs5 too.
  • With ultimate skill can farm very fast




Why I shouldn't pick razor?

  • If you like the gangs don't pick razor cause razor is farmer.
  • Very low Hit Points (HP) and he die easy




How to play Razor

Razor is a mid/late hero, in early/start game he can't pwn very easy cause he don't have very much attack speed and hit points.

In early/start game Razor must go solo and he must farm very good. If Razor farm good from 2-30 minutes after he can to Pwn very easy. Now in late game you must push all lanes, If you have Boots Of Travel change lanes continued and leave your allies to broke the barracks, On battles put Mjolnir on your self or allies. When you do battle with enemies you must go near in your emeny/enemies for radi and ultimate to hit continued!




Hero Skills and Abilities



Increases attack speed for 20 seconds, at the cost of taking additional damage.


Level 1 - 25% increase, 5% damage taken increase.

Level 2 - 50% increase, 10% damage taken increase.

Level 3 - 75% increase, 15% damage taken increase.

Level 4 - 100% increase, 20% damage taken increase.


[b]Cooldown: 40 seconds.


Level 1: 80 mana, 40 sec cooldown.

Level 2: 90 mana, 40 sec cooldown.

Level 3: 110 mana, 40 sec cooldown.

Level 4: 130 mana, 40 sec cooldown.



Chain Lightning


Hurls a bolt of damaging lightning at a target enemy that jumps to nearby enemies. Each jump deals less damage.


Level 1 - 75 damage, jumps 3 times.

Level 2 - 150 damage, jumps 5 times.

Level 3 - 225 damage, jumps 7 times.

Level 4 - 300 damage, jumps 9 times.

Cooldown: 11 seconds.

Level 1: 90 mana, 11 sec cooldown.

Level 2: 105 mana, 11 sec cooldown.

Level 3: 125 mana, 11 sec cooldown.




Unholy Fervor


Increases the movement speed and life regeneration rate of Razor.

Level 1 - 3% movement, 0.5 hp/sec regeneration bonus.

Level 2 - 5% movement, 1.0 hp/sec regeneration bonus.

Level 3 - 8% movement, 1.5 hp/sec regeneration bonus.

Level 4 - 10% movement, 2.0 hp/sec regeneration bonus.






Storm Seeker


Summons a storm that permanently follows Razor. Every few seconds, it strikes Razor's enemies with savage lightning bolts. Warning: As part of the leveling on this ability, your hero will be stunned for 0.01 seconds. Don't level it as you are teleporting away.


Level 1 - Deals 60 damage.

Level 2 - Deals 90 damage.

Level 3 - Deals 120 damage.






Skill Build

1)Unholy Fervor

2)Chain Lightning

3)Unholy Fervor

4)Chain Lightning

5)Unholy Fervor

6)Storm Seeker

7)Chain Lightning

8)Unholy Fervor

9)Chain Lightning


11)Storm Seeker





16)Storm Seeker













Item Build and Explanation


Power Treads Cause Razor with Unholy Fervor go very fast.


Mjollnir cause Razor with ultimate skill can farm very fast and take the creeps too easy!


Butterfly For eternal agility and and evasion and with Frenzy Razor hit's it's very fast!


Radiance, no comments :P, with ultimate skill and Mjollnir  Razor farm likes light speed :P


Burriza-do kyanon cause Razor with great attack speed he do a lot Criticals...


Heart of Tarrasque cause Razor don't have much life and he die easy.



Alternatives Items


Boots of Travel cause you can farm-push all lanes very quick.


Sange & Yahsa cause with Unholy Fervor razor can run very fast and give life on Razor too.


Black King Bar cause they can't stop with stuns etc...


Vabguard cause Razor need life and armor too!


Lothars Edge Razor with item can run very fast and he can escape too.


Monkey King Bar with mini bash Razor can own everyone



Rejected Items


Battle Fury Cause Razor is range hero.


Same reason with Battle Fury


Refresher Orb This item can't be usally cause Razor Don't use a lot skills.


Aghanim's scepter This item is epic Fail on Razor.



Razor's stats before lvl up and without item build.


Razor in 25 lvl + item build


Razor in 25 lvl + Item build (Alternatives Items)



Best Allies

All Stunners

BTNAvengingWatcher.gifBTNFelGuardBlue.gifBTNBeastMaster.gifBTNCentaurKhan.gifBTNSkeletonArcher.gifBTNBlueMagnataur.gif etc.

Mass stunners

BTNTreant.gifBTNMountainGiant.gifBTNFaerieDragon.gifBTNProudmoore.gifBTNGuldan.gifBTNSeaGiantGreen.gif etc.

All Slowers

BTNOgreMagi.gifindex.htmlBTNBansheeRanger.gifBTNHydralisk.gifBTNSpiderBlack.gifBTNHeroDeathKnight.gif etc.




Worst enemies

Chain Nukers

BTNSorceress.gifBTNHeroTinker.gifBTNLion.gif etc.


BTNFacelessOne.gifBTNFelGuardBlue.gifBTNPriestessOfTheMoon.gifBTNAbomination.gif etc.

Hpers and Heavy Tanks


BTNTheCaptain.gifBTNKiljaedin.gifBTNDoomGuard.gif etc.


Guide Created by МØЯĮẮŊ™ if I forgot thinks just do one post and tell it. :P

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You just gave basic guide , you should take some notes from the other guides that are already created its too simple. We don't understand how to play with razor with this guide just what items to do but if i am some newbie i will never know what to do just some pictures that i should do but how to use the properly how to play in start/mid/late game.

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razor is very fragile so he could never kill hpers and heavy tanks (i think they should be added) :P

w00t hpers and havy tanks added on guide!


lol i think you should explain on why you should get the items are maybe some tactics to use while playing razor.

xKenji answer for me :P


You just gave basic guide , you should take some notes from the other guides that are already created its too simple. We don't understand how to play with razor with this guide just what items to do but if i am some newbie i will never know what to do just some pictures that i should do but how to use the properly how to play in start/mid/late game.

Add How to play Razor and Screenshots.

BTW I see details and anythink from Barathroum guide, Barthoum guide made by NobLe,





Now is ok, I think... If you found another failure, post here!



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Yeah xKenji is too expensive!


But cause of this i love Razor! Razor is most Imba farmer for me!

When you do maelstrom and radiance after all is easy!

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