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i say +4 dex -4 con

       +1 dex -1 con

       +4 str -1 con

No such thing as    +4 str -1 con :DD


Well, I would go with +5 STR -5CON and +4 WIT -MEN or +4 STR -CON

DEX for ur attack speed which sagi needs

STR hm..optional, but I prefer big damage :D

WIT for skill reuse :D


Put Plated Later + add 2 dyes


+3 STR 4 - CON


+2 STR 4 - CON


+4 DEX 4 - CON


And own  :D Thats what i usually do and they say i stuck sub because i do a lot of damage on mages that way.


Classic usage of sagi? Well imho you should use


DEX +4 -4 CON

STR +4 -4 CON [depends only on the server for example if it have abso tattoo which gives a lot of hp its ok to have it that way]

Last but not least

+1 DEX -1 CON [again if the server have abso tattoo]


If not just make


+3 DEX -3 CON


+3 STR -3 CON

and if your server is java use the exploit to do


+4 MEN -4 INT  if not choose a last dye


You may again ask me why +3 not + 4 because...!!!!!>!>!>!> :

You have low hp on sagi you are not a tank so you shouldn't waste all of your hp on dyes.


mmmm i d say

+4 dex -4 con

+4wit -4 int

No more!

if not u ll unbalance the character -----> NOT GOOD!... if u add +4 STR -4 CON u ll be a piece of cake for: archers, titans( specially titans), daggers  2 criticals and u are history). and maybe nukers (SPS, SPH, Screr) if they have good cast speed or only 1 critical ;)

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