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I got a theory about time. I dont know if it is correct or it is not but I cannot prove that it is or that it is not. So I hope guys you will all help me before I go crazy. The theory is:

If now would be 24:00 +0 GMT. then it would be 23:00 -1 GMT right?

If airplane will fly with the speed of 1h for 1/24 of earth (Its hard to understund what I mean bythat) then if it fly from 5/01/2009 23:00 +0 GMT and it takes 1h to do 1/24 of the earth then he will be at time 5/01/2009 23:00 -1 GMT right?

so IF we do it again and again. it will be 5/01/2009 23:00 +11 gmt* right?

So that means if it fly 1 more hour then it would be 5/01/2009 23:00 +0 GMT? so that means that I just "Stopped" the time?

And yes, I know I think too much as for 13 yo but this is really really ennoying me. If that theory become true then...

that means that I 13yo child discovered the way to stop the time? (If this would be true)


The GMT time goes:

-11 -10 -9 ... 0 +1 +2 +3...+11

yo = years old


i got lost on the following sentences :


do 1/24 of the earth then he will be at time 5/01/2009 23:00 -1 GMT right?

so IF we do it again and again. it will be 5/01/2009 23:00 +11 gmt* right?

So that means if it fly 1 more hour then it would be 5/01/2009 23:00 +0 GMT? so that means that I just "Stopped" the time?


Hax0r, so what date should it be then?

When it reaches -11 it would go back to +11

This has to be wrong :D Why?  If from +11 go to -11 then it will be: +11GMT +0 GMT then -11GMT?this would take about 12h not 1h or even 2h. I think that it would be 6/01/2009 but that means that I make from 1h=24h which is really unbelieveble...


Having the same hour for ~11 hours doesn't actually, mean that time has frozen. Time can not stop, while it neither has begging nor end. And since you are heading from GMT + 0 to GMT -x, then you are travelling to the east(since the Earth spins counterclockwise). So, when you reach Japan (the country of the rising sun), the time will still be 24:00 or 00:00, but notice that it will be the next day.


I wrote it the simplest I could :)


And by the way, I don't see how could this change the world.



a theory i heard today knocked my brains out...


our physics teacher said that if we brake the speed of light then time will stop :S


how the heck is that possible xD?


Having the same hour for ~11 hours doesn't actually, mean that time has frozen. Time can not stop, while it neither has begging nor end. And since you are heading from GMT + 0 to GMT -x, then you are travelling to the east(since the Earth spins counterclockwise). So, when you reach Japan (the country of the rising sun), the time will still be 24:00 or 00:00, but notice that it will be the next day.


I wrote it the simplest I could :)


And by the way, I don't see how could this change the world.


The time doesn't really stop BUT the day yes. But really. What will be the date and the hour of my 1st post? That will explain everything. :D (remember is only a theory)

@UP If a humanbody travel with a speed light it will weight 10millions kg just because of G (I read it somewhere 4got where)



@UP If a humanbody travel with a speed light it will weight 10millions kg just because of G (I read it somewhere 4got where)


which means he most prolly die cause of the weight forced up on him ?


which means he most prolly die cause of the weight forced up on him ?


Ye, also even if the "Time stops" because we traveled of the speed of light which is 299,792,458 metres/sec . We would not know that it happend do we?


@Down; this is spam topic we are 100% allowed to even post x20 times because we dont gain posts.

Guest skaros

which means he most prolly die cause of the weight forced up on him ?





Ye, also even if the "Time stops" because we traveled of the speed of light which is 299,792,458 metres/sec . We would not know that it happend do we?


well it has been tested before... on tiny particles such as mollecular cells(i think) :D


also, no i don't think that we won't understand it...


because wut you say is also called teleportation, altho that mostly "derives" to something metaphysical :P


I know this is called teleportation but this IS NOT teleportation, as I said you fly with airplane which don't really teleport (I mean not the particles which are moving forward) hehe, it will be really hard to solve that. molecular cells does not take any effect of that. Wikipedia...


The time doesn't really stop BUT the day yes. But really. What will be the date and the hour of my 1st post? That will explain everything. :D (remember is only a theory)


Well, I thought you meant something else with time... You know, the passing of time, duration, the past, the present, the future. With time you meant hours/minutes form, e.g. 23:12...


Actually, it would remain the same, not stop really..., if the plane could continuously move with fixed speed, then days would  pass, but time would remain the same, through the whole flight.



edit: Teleporting does not include the execution of the route, but transport by dematerializing at one point and assembling at another.


I believe that isnt correct ... It is just how u will think that ...

Ainstein said about time that if you are in a train those years , because of the speed u go some minites to future ....I dont rember this 100% but it is something like this ...

Search google about time and aeroplanes ... or ainstain ..


Well, I thought you meant something else with time... You know, the passing of time, duration, the past, the present, the future. With time you meant hours/minutes form, e.g. 23:12...


Actually, it would remain the same, not stop really..., if the plane could continuously move with fixed speed, then days would  pass, but time would remain the same, through the whole flight.


If that what you are saying is true then that means that we should "Left" 1day which stays the same and then count the days again I mean like that:

1/1/2001 23:00 -1GMT...

1/1/2001 23:00 +11GMT

so we loose the hole day and then we count again...

2/1/2001 23:00 -0GMT and it goes on. But this is not the only answer. Anyway we still loose 1day which "dissapear" from our calendar? (If you know what I mean)




I know I shoudnt write that but just to remind you:

AIRplane not AEROplane (I needed to check this too before I wrote that word here :D) and Einstein not ainstain but close.



I think this is very good idea to make that topic. This turn into big debate. Hope the problem will be really solve in the next few months (I mean months not days 'cause there are too many aspects to take to know the answer).

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