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L2 Death Whisper!!

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wraios name mesa sto game?


Oso g ta aLLa pedia an itane rpg server 8a ta xrisimopiousa aLLa twra mono lure stous bishop gia na tous parw to target.k to asteio ine oti etc opwc healaroun ta newbia olo to xeri tous F1.F1.F1 dn vlepoun to target k m kanoun k heal :D

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Wreo to video..

name ig : c0y0 :x

ela re treliari..pww 8imame prin stamatisw gia ligo p imastan clan lifo..ec ise o hero o c0y0 re lamogio?xD
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Θα ηθελα να μπω αλλα εχω ακουσει οτι ο deathwisper εχει πολυ δυσκολο farming.Αληθευει;


Το farming είναι σχετικά δύσκολο. Αλλά αν είσαι active και "δουλεύεις", υπάρχουν πολλοί τρόποι να πάρεις αυτό που θέλεις. Μην ξεχνάς ότι υπάρχουν events, Raid Bosses που θα βρεις πολλά coins

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Meh Fainetai oraios server... Prospa8hsa na mpw alla eixe kapoio problhma me to acc kai parolo pou elege oti to ekane register, den to dexotan :P Alla nta3.


Oraio videaki, an kai den latrepsa kai toso thn mousikh :)

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NAB προσπάθησε να μπεις πάλι. Πριν κάποιο καιρό είχαμε πρόβλημα με τα accounts αλλά τώρα είναι ΟΚ.

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NAB προσπάθησε να μπεις πάλι. Πριν κάποιο καιρό είχαμε πρόβλημα με τα accounts αλλά τώρα είναι ΟΚ.

Για το video comment δεν αφήνεις?? :P
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file m oreo to videaki ala einai kati to opio dn m aresei se tetious server afto einai to massive pvp dn ksero gt ala se tetious server dn mporo ta massive pvp


an kai gia na leo tin alithia dn m aresei i perioxh p ginete to priminal einai ena apo ta xeirotera m merh kai dn m aresei ekei to pvp dn ksero gt gousta einai afta


mn me pareksigisete!!! :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

otan mpika me ekanan ban eipedi ebrisa ena filo t admin :S


Για θύμησε μου ποιον έβρισες και ποιος είσαι?...Επειδή κάτι τέτοια δεν τα σηκώνω...Τέτοιες μ@λ@κίες μακριά από το server μου. Τα ψεματάκια σου αλλού μάγκα.

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:O :O

Dhlonw ena pragma.

Ksanarxizw Death Whisper :O :O :O


K Donate authn tn fora.

O logos ine oti vrm na ta farmarw ola auta :D

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Ta Spac sinexise etc...omos...prosexa pos alazis pola target sta pvp min pas mia ston enan mian ston alon :P

ante na se doume hero

malon oxi aplo hero gamato hero pou na ta spac gt iparxoune hero noobades..



Ηero karanoobades υπάρχουν όντως....

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:O :O

Dhlonw ena pragma.

Ksanarxizw Death Whisper :O :O :O


K Donate authn tn fora.

O logos ine oti vrm na ta farmarw ola auta :D

Exis akomi tin gludio???


Mia fora bika death whisper k vlepo 8eopoula gludio's castle lord has loged in game... Ke meta apo 20-25 lepta egine down. Dn ksanabika.



Re cis lei na pekso eki? XxRxX sr alla 8elo gnomes mono apo char k oxi apo admin

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    • a beautiful response from a liar who is not even a man to admit it, at least it is recorded here that you are nothing more than a thief, this is your character as a person, which I hope one day you will have the courage and apologize to whoever you stole from, which I don't even need to talk about anymore, you know very well who you stole each job from, here I end the attacks, because someone deserved to come here and unmask you to the l2 community.
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