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Need Developer for serious server



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man i have experience i have been gm too many times and i know 3 languages if this help you...

hmmm sorry to disapoint you but he means developer not gm

developer need knowledge outsite the box ( and i mean l2)

need to now how to use navicat/MySQL/html.xml(i dont remember that last exactly :P) etc

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Hi all I Have a friend who need developer for make to him a server..

(P.S)Server will be x5000

Your friend wants to make a L2OFF or L2j server? -.-

Dunno if he knows the difference ,anyway.

If this is his first server, its better to build a L2j pack, its an easy start.

Well, if he wants a L2OFF server, it won't be easy to find a good OFF dev.



P.S : Better say what kind of dev. you want, so the mods can move it to the proper section,

or someone lock it, cause the topiC its kinda old.

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