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hellbound [L2J][Gracia CT2]L][ HeLL Fire(Recruiting GM)

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Hi guyz this a new server named L][ HeLL Fire....!!Server isn't online yet 'coz we are fixing some rpoblems and waiting for members to join!!Oh,I forgot to tell u that we recruit some staff..What does that mean???That means that Applications Are opened and w8ing for u to post!!







Custom Equips:

Relic RB Jewels

Vesper Equips

Cloak-type Tattoos

Epic Weapons

Dusk Weapons

Light Saber

Demonic Weapons

Epic Wing(We may have some custom wings also)

2 Custom Imperial Crusader Armors

+++Some surprize staff


Custom Features:

Free-For-All Subclass System

PvP/Rb Chaos Zone at Fantasy Island

Top Farm Zone At Primeval Isle

Tweaked Farm Zone:HellBound Isle

24h Buffs

No Grade Penalties

No OverPowered Classes

No Bugs

Balanced Classes


We are currently working on:

100% Custom skills

Magic Orb syle learning skills of subclasses (if you have a Sorceror subclass,you can learn Prominence if you find the required Magic Orb)

Improvement of All skills


We currently need some good staff(GMs,Devs,Site Designers etc)





***Server will open in test Mode this week....Probably we will be online this week!!(99.9% possibilities)

***Server's Patch isn't ready yet.....it may be ready 2morrow!!

Stay Tuned And Join!!

C ya



do interlude  the server its be better and more player!!

We currently have Gracia CT2....Join If u like it!!


If u want GM Br0 u know where u can find me and who i am. If you want me as Dev or GM Pm me

Glad to help


Just join forum and make an application!!


GRACIA 2 4 NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Man,This is spam.....reported AGAIN!!

I said if u want to join do it...if don't want just don't post here!!


Well,we currently don't have enough money to do this but i am thinking about adding donate(donators will just get a status at the forum not items)!!If some1 can do this for free pls tell me at forum!!

Server will probably be online This Friday!!C ya there..

P.S.:We are still searching for staff

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