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[GR]Pou tha pate ekdromi?

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pigame 5imeri rodo


kai prin to pasxa 8a pame 3imeri athina ^^

Κολ0φαρδα! ^^

Den pame gt kaname 2 vdomades katalhpsh

Έλεος ρε εμείς κάναμε 5 εβδομάδες και ακόμα παίζει να πάμε :P

Εσείς γιατί έτσι?


Κολ0φαρδα! ^^Έλεος ρε εμείς κάναμε 5 εβδομάδες και ακόμα παίζει να πάμε :P

Εσείς γιατί έτσι?


Lykeio eisai? An oxi tote etsi e3hghtai



Lykeio eisai? An oxi tote etsi e3hghtai


2α λυκείου πάω! Το θέμα είναι πως ο λυκειάρχης μας είναι Μλκας με Μ κεφαλαίο! Έχουμε συμπληρώσει τόσες ώρες μάθημα και λέει θα δούμε...Τσπ καλά να περάσουν όσοι πάνε και καλές αναμνήσεις μέχρι την επόμενη όσοι πήγαν ;)


eixame paei nauplio einai poli tzamata ekei :D

perisi pigame ekdromi ekei


Gia pes m perissotera gia tin ekdromi auti...Apo oso kserw pane polla sxoleia ekei opote kai polla gkomenakia ^^


Epeidi to tmima mas to sugkekrimeno eina zwologikos kipos dn ginete ma8ima ekei mesa... tn alli fora 8a lipou8imouse ka8igitis k tou ferame nero :p ... k Epeidi kserete tis ekdromes tis pane takseis takseis... dld 8a pame oli h B...  k eksaitias tou tmimatos mas... o dieu8intis epekse poustia... eipe s olous tous ka8igites krifa na mn dextei kaneis na mas paei ekdromi..... na mas sinodeusei... k edw k 3 mines prospa8oume na tous peisoume na er8oune k aporoume gt dn erxete kaneis.. mexri p mia ka8igitria epanastatise :P k mas eipe ti tous eipe sto grafeio k egrapse to onoma tis sto xartaki gia na mas sinodepsei k psaxnoume allous 3.... k pame stn dieu8inti k tn leme auto k auto.... ma8ame ti ekanes..... h 8a pas pas 4hmeri h 8a kleisoume to sxoleio gia 4 meres.... k arxise na to skeftete kalese tous ka8igites se sineleusi ax0xa0ax0 k mallon 8a pame giannena an mporesoume na kleisoume ksenodoxeia klp...




Epeidi to tmima mas to sugkekrimeno eina zwologikos kipos dn ginete ma8ima ekei mesa... tn alli fora 8a lipou8imouse ka8igitis k tou ferame nero :p ... k Epeidi kserete tis ekdromes tis pane takseis takseis... dld 8a pame oli h B...   k eksaitias tou tmimatos mas... o dieu8intis epekse poustia... eipe s olous tous ka8igites krifa na mn dextei kaneis na mas paei ekdromi..... na mas sinodeusei... k edw k 3 mines prospa8oume na tous peisoume na er8oune k aporoume gt dn erxete kaneis.. mexri p mia ka8igitria epanastatise :P k mas eipe ti tous eipe sto grafeio k egrapse to onoma tis sto xartaki gia na mas sinodepsei k psaxnoume allous 3.... k pame stn dieu8inti k tn leme auto k auto.... ma8ame ti ekanes..... h 8a pas pas 4hmeri h 8a kleisoume to sxoleio gia 4 meres.... k arxise na to skeftete kalese tous ka8igites se sineleusi ax0xa0ax0 k mallon 8a pame giannena an mporesoume na kleisoume ksenodoxeia klp...




dld eseis eiste kalutera "kolopaida" apo emas xD


tn proigoumeni vdomada 4hmeri eixa faei xalaros imoun spiti :p


Egw den mporw na kanw apousia :S .... ektos apo tin gkrinia tis manas m .... 8elw mia mera akoma gia na kopw :P .... tin progoumeni paraskeuh ir8e sto spiti xarti p elege oti eutasa 50 stis 50 adikaiologites xD alla piga tin deutera kai dikaiologisa :P


Gia pes m perissotera gia tin ekdromi auti...Apo oso kserw pane polla sxoleia ekei opote kai polla gkomenakia ^^

Exw paei 2 fores Nauplio...



@Mafia + Kenji




Zakyn8o paw ka8e xrono opws kai 8a paw mallon to pasxa (akyro..)




No commentS!




Egw exw 40 apoysieC...

12 dikaiologimeneC...


Alla dn einai apo kopanes, apovoleC, wriaies k mlks...

Apla dn eixa paei sxoleio...


Guest skaros

Gia pes m perissotera gia tin ekdromi auti...Apo oso kserw pane polla sxoleia ekei opote kai polla gkomenakia ^^


Nai ... an thimame kala eixe ena kastro m poli orea thea prws thalassa... eixame paei ekei tespa kai kaname voltes tpt idietero... (Ektos apo to oti itane panw apo 5 sxoleia gemata omorfa thilika ;) )Meta katevikame pali stin poli vrikame ena biliardadiko kai katsame kai paiksame.... den pigame kai pouthena... aa kai ena souvlatzidiko se ena parkaki imastan ama pas apo ekei (Tha katlveis p einai einai poli konta apo ekei p katevenete apo ta leoforia) na pareis pikilia gamaei k dernei :P

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