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[Request] Open Doors for Player with specified Quest



Hello everyone,

First of all, I tryied to use search, but i didn't find that what i'm looking for. So lets move to the question.

I'm making a small quest and i need a bit of help, i have a problem here. My city (fort) is closed by gates and there is no way out. I have put a NPC (guard) near those gates with a command <a action="bypass -h admin_open  23130001">Open Gates</a> which opens those gates for admin, but there is a problem i want to open only for a player (not GM) which has taken a special quest and has a quest item in his inventory, also i want to open those doors only for about 5 seconds (just in case that other ppl won't get out) So i want to ask you guys, maybe you have created already something like that or could get some free time and make it for us? I think it shouldn't take a long and it will be very useful and unique in this forum. Many thanks.


BTW i have tryied to make it by myself, but i only got many of errors so i gave up.


Regards, Channel.


P.S Sorry for my english )

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because it's looks more realistik, and it's a part of the visual looking for my server, because no one else can pass throught those gates, only the specified one, which has a quest, i trying to make a UNIK server so i trying to put my ideas, not to copy some one )


getFort().openCloseDoor(true); --> This would open the doors which are u targeting as i think. How to apply it to the specified doors in this case : 23130001 ? Also where do i need to use it, in phyton or in java ? Very tha for trying to help me, i realy appreciate that.


BTW if it helps i use L2jArchid pack

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