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[Guide #DreaM] Axe the Mogul Kahn

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Do you wanna hear Axe's story? Sorry but you won't get it you stupid *#($&@... [joking] I couldn't find anything so lets start directly with the guide.


Thanks to DotaBestGuides site for the stats




Range: 100 | | Move Speed: 290 | Primary: STR

Str: 25 + 2.5 | Agi: 20 + 2.2 | Int: 14 + 1.6

Damage: 49 - 53 | HP: 625 | Mana: 182

HP Regen: 1 | Mana Regen: 0.57

Attack Speed: 1.36 (+ 20% IAS) | Armor: 1.8



Berserker’s Call (E)

Mogul Khan focuses all of his enemy’s hatred on him, causing them to attack him at all costs.

300 AOE.

Level 1 - Lasts 1.5 seconds, 5 bonus armor.

Level 2 - Lasts 2 seconds, 10 bonus armor.

Level 3 - Lasts 2.5 seconds, 15 bonus armor.

Level 4 - Lasts 3 seconds, 20 bonus armor.

Mana Cost: 80/ 90/ 100/ 110


CD : 15 seconds.




Battle Hunger ®

Afflicts a target with a terrible killing hunger. The target will take damage per second until it kills a unit.

Level 1 - 15 damage/second, lasts 10 seconds.

Level 2 - 15 damage/second, lasts 15 seconds.

Level 3 - 20 damage/second, lasts 20 seconds.

Level 4 - 25 damage/second, lasts 25 seconds.

Mana Cost: 75/85/95/105

Cooldown: 25/20/15/10




Counter Helix (X)

Mogul Kahn counters some blows made to him by taking the attacking unit and swinging it around violently, dealing damage to all nearby enemy units.

17% chance to counter throughout all levels.

Level 1: 100 damage.

Level 2: 125 damage.

Level 3: 150 damage.

Level 4: 175 damage

Mana Cost: N/A

Cooldown: N/A




Culling Blade ©

Purges the weak from Mogul Kahn’s sight. Deals moderate damage, but will kill a target that is low on life.

Level 1 - Deals 150 damage, will kill if target is below 300.

Level 2 - Deals 250 damage, will kill if target is below 450.

Level 3 - Deals 300 damage, will kill if target is below 625.

Mana Cost: 120/ 140/ 160

Cooldown: 75/65/55


Skill Build

1 - Counter Helix

2 - Battle Hunger

3 - Counter Helix

4 - Battle Hunger

5 - Counter Helix

6 - Culling Blade

7 - Berserker’s Call

8 - Counter Helix

9 - Berserker’s Call

10 - Battle Hunger

11 - Culling Blade

12 - Berserker’s Call

13 - Battle Hunger

14 - Berserker’s Call

15 - Attribute Bonus

16 - Culling Blade


[yes i copied that from other guide but its the same thing i wanted to write so why writing it when i could copy it..nerds]


Item Build

BTNAbility_Rogue_Sprint.gif You are a tank moron you don't need anything for attack speed.You need only speed.

BTNAdvancedUnholyArmor.gif Yes at least 1 vanguard is a MUST.


BTNHeartOfAszune.gif OR

BTNHornOfDoom.gif You need hp, must i repeat that you are a tank, heart will do a good job, but if you are the kamikaze type you should take satanic because of the active skill.

BTNThunderMallet.gif Don't go like "WTF NOOB MEGA PRO N/C" Ofc you need that with combination with your 3rd skill [Counter Helix]

BTNTransmute.gif Thats also good with the counter helix as well as this one does BTNAdvancedMoonArmor.gif

BTNDaggerOfEscape.gif Yes you need the dagger so you can teleport lure the enemy and you, and your team 0wN him/them.



Tip's :









The good allies are the stunners , they give you time to make your move.




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Nice Guide, Nice Item Build, But Guide is poor...


You can add worst enemys and good allies...


Yeah i know you have write this "The good allies are the stunners , they give you time to make your move." But give us more informations.


Anyway, Thank you!

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What more info do you want, axe doesn't have foes, he is a tank he is meant to stand strong, and yes as i already said and you know healers/stuners are the best allies for tanks especially nukers.

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axe doesn't have foes,


If Axe haven't foes he must be a SuperHero...


You are crazy?


Morphing, Clock, Luna, Ursa, Naix You want more?

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If Axe haven't foes he must be a SuperHero...


You are crazy?


Morphing, Clock, Luna, Ursa, Naix You want more?

and what's the meaning of adding worst enemies and good allies?


you play allpick?

or you are so lucky to fortune the antihero of this hero?

watch out mate...

Noble make it 1st don't copy him...

i never put the worst enemies and good allies...i never play allpick..

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its time i put my comment :P shouldnt i?


Noble make it 1st don't copy him...

lol i forgot what did i do first :D :P plz remind me ^^


Morphing, Clock, Luna, Ursa, Naix You want more?

from all these heroes you mention real foe imo is only ursa late game and maybe naix(if played pro)the others are butter in bread for axe :)


If Axe haven't foes he must be a SuperHero...

no he is not!





i have to add a few alternative options that might fit in build


alp5d3.gif armor,foe armor reduction,AS stats

qry87n.gif i personally found the mjolnir choice very nice.SnY you may see it more often though for maim and AS

2qmhv7q.gif for nukers , HP regen instead of 1 vanguard from the 2

2j1ucjn.gif since axe hp many times reaches 5000 this item is your enemies' doomguard...suggested only for pros otherwise you take the risks of making this game YOUR doom


1410db8.gif instead of Radiance (MKB is alt but both fit on axe)

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every builds we may post are relying on the enemies you have.for example if your foes have dps chars whats the meaning of the hood of defiance?nothing!


if on 1vs1 you fight a nuker the linken sphere or hood of defiance are great options for example!

it depends what your enemy has picked or randomed!

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So this is 5v5 guide, I'd like to learn about him in 1v1. Cos I don't think this item build fits you in 1v1.

Anyway, useful guide!


If you play 1v1 make noble's items except the hood, (well if its a mage use it but not use vanguard) In 5v5 never use noble's items [or if your opponents are brain damaged feel free to do dagon if you'd like], i will repeat once more , i have played him tested him bilion times he sucks in  combat he is good in tacking in 5v5 he is nothing, he must be the perfect tank as his meaning created by IceFrog. He is the ultimate tank he is not a superhero he is a supertank as well as the dragon knight and few others that are good as tanks and only as tanks.[well dragon knight can be a good hero for killing too but for axe, axe can be only a tank].

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ideal for tanking





radi or mkb or stygian (:o)




pure undead tanking force


@lain:1vs1 is based on each ones strategy.you might pawn your opponent early game even if you are weaker pshysically and that results that you farm and your enemy not!its possible that your enemy might kick your ass early game and that results in the opposite!


a tank's real enemy is ranged and nukers early game! no one else

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lol i forgot what did i do first :D :P plz remind me ^^

you are the 1st person that he add worst enemies

and best allies...

i think tanks don't have anitheroes...

all based to strategy

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@NobLe ... axe is epic fail with 19247192047 vanguards 4975983275 hot ... he must do smth else than tank lets not waste his skill, i mean he sucks at killing but he can make trouble too not only tanking so we should do smth so not only tanking but he will lower the hp of the enemies too.

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yeah but mainly as you say killing is not important at all

from time we reject the dps idea i proposed then we should rely on taking heavy damage without consequences and buy time for your teammates to get the job done


since axe late game sucks the best he could do is to be able to receive huge damage and get farmed by early/mid kills which axe can easily take

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and what's the meaning of adding worst enemies and good allies?


you play allpick?

or you are so lucky to fortune the antihero of this hero?

watch out mate...

Noble make it 1st don't copy him...

i never put the worst enemies and good allies...i never play allpick..

Strike you play public games? or in private channels?

I play in private channels and the modes is -ar or -cm


from all these heroes you mention real foe imo is only ursa late game and maybe naix(if played pro)the others are butter in bread for axe :)

no he is not!

You don't have right, especially naix, If you play naix with first skill (Rage), in level 4 have 80% attack speed and 4.75 sec Magic Immunity... Axe Counter Helix is useless

Clock with first skill (Battery Assault) 80 Damage per 0.75 sec for 10 sec, And bashes...

In late game with luna? -No COmMeNtS- Morphing too.


BTW axe with 2 vanguards pwns...


Start the lane with 2 stout shields and then 2 ring of healths... This items can make Axe Imba in early game (untin 10-13) :P



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Strike you play public games? or in private channels?

I play in private channels and the modes is -ar or -cm

You don't have right, especially naix, If you play naix with first skill (Rage), in level 4 have 80% attack speed and 4.75 sec Magic Immunity... Axe Counter Helix is useless

Clock with first skill (Battery Assault) 80 Damage per 0.75 sec for 10 sec, And bashes...

In late game with luna? -No COmMeNtS- Morphing too.


BTW axe with 2 vanguards pwns...


Start the lane with 2 stout shields and then 2 ring of healths... This items can make Axe Imba in early game (untin 10-13) :P



yes i play into the channel which destroy the eleos channel...

i'm admin into there and the modes never go allpick...

-ar, -cm, and sometimes -rd and -sd

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