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the active buff replace the other buff but with passive you have and the augment buff and the other


i mean if you have augment active lvl 10 focus when you use it the buff will replace the forus lvl 3 buff byt with passive you have both of them so much more critical :P

Nop, active buffs from augment dont remove your buffs


i got on drac bow activ focus 10 lv annnnd it put more than 10 + crit rate... and thats it ;D

in many servers(and in chronicles i think) there is a max stat you can reach...

in c4 i think max crit is 450...

if you play in a server with augments and max is 450 and you had w/o the augment 440, then yes you get only 10


pffffa focus give 81 and you need the all9 importing aguments actives(focus agiliti might shilde duel might guidance wild magic emopwer) and pasiv depends on eath class you are the best servers are that how blocks your activ in buff slot and you have more aguments, specialy interlud servers bt i make a gracia with stuck aguments :))))))


ehehe everybody have different version...I asked because it's gives me something like +18/+20 critical ( thats passive lv 10 )....little shitty :S


If you get passive Acumen then when you were weapon you have +cast, but if you change it then effect will despair, if it is Active Acumen then you can buff yourself and change weapon and that buff stays.

lol active acumen? bullshit

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