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Re alania plssss help..vrika enan kodiko gia background st hi5..pos ton vazw???sto profile mou???tsakarete..--http://www.freefever.com/hi5/hi5backgrounds/animatedhi5backgrounds.php    dld pou paw gia na t valw ton kodiko kai na m exei background auto p 8elw???pls einai epigon help mexri to vradu prepei na t exwww


Re alania plssss help..vrika enan kodiko gia background st hi5..pos ton vazw???sto profile mou???tsakarete..--http://www.freefever.com/hi5/hi5backgrounds/animatedhi5backgrounds.php    dld pou paw gia na t valw ton kodiko kai na m exei background auto p 8elw???pls einai epigon help mexri to vradu prepei na t exwww

OH Yeah!


Pare edw merika codes... Einai sta agglika oi e3igiseis epeidi ta eixa steilei se enan 3eno... Variemai na ta metafrasw pali...


You have to put them in "About me".

Also in some of the codes u must put the uploading link inside the ().


Code for 21.000 views


<style>#profile-name .section-name


display: inline;

padding-right: 100px;

background-position: right;

background-repeat: no-repeat;

background-image: url(http://i489.photobucket.com/albums/rr260/PowerOfDark/Black-2-3.gif);

} </style>


Code for deleting original views:


<style>#profile-name span{display:none;} </style>


Code for large photo:


<style> #user-picture IMG {HEIGHT: 357px;WIDTH:300px;DISPLAY: none;} #user-picture { WIDTH: 300px;HEIGHT: 357px;TEXT-ALIGN: center; DISPLAY: block; background-image: url(link of your photo);background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: center;margin-left: 10px;border: SOLID #999999 1px;} #user-details { border: none; } </style>


Code for background:


<style> body { background-image:url( link of the image that you want); background-position:Center Center; background-attachment:fixed; background-repeat:repeat; border-color:#000000; border-width:10px; border-style:Solid; </style>


Code for Changing the image of members in comments:


<style> .comment-picture{height:80px !important;width:80px!important; margin-center:0px;border:10 pxsolid #FFFF00 5px; } .comment-picture img {height:100px !important;width:100px!important;margin-center: 0px} </style>


Code which makes Friends fotos to be blured:


<style> .friend-picture {height:100px !important;width:85px!important;margin-left: 0px;border:Solid #000000 1px;} .friend-picture img {height:100px !important;width:100px!important;margin-left: 8px} .friend-picture div {background:url(the url of the image before someone click on the image) 8px;padding:200px;} .friend-picture div:hover {padding:0px;} </style>


Code which moves your name in the center:


<style> #profile-name { text-align:center; } </style>


Code which changes some icons:


<style> #new_header { zoom:1; position:relative; background:url( url image here) 1px 1px no-repeat; width:100%; text-align:left; } </style>


Code for gift delete


<style>#gifts {display: none;} </style>


Home, My profile etc disappear:


<style>#primenu a { display: none !important; } #primenu #glsearch a { display: inline !important; } </style>


Primary right, stats left:


<style>.subsection .emptyProfileInfo { display: block; } table table table { direction: rtl; } table table table td { direction: ltr; } </style>


Put an image above top friends:


<style>.friend-name a { list-style: url(image's url here) inside; display: list-item; } </style>


Change "Add as a friend" image(image must be 20x20 or smaller):


<style> #user-links a { display: list-item; } #user-links a { list-style: inside url(images url here); } </style>


Stats without bars:


<style> .vanity-bar div div img, .vanity-bar div img {display:none;} .vanity-bar div{display:none;} .vanity-bar div div {display:none;} </style>


Blur and make clear friends photos:


<style> {##-- Comment --##} #comments .listitem-separator {background: #ffffff !important;} .comment {height:105px !important;} .comment:hover {height:100% !important;overflow-y:true;} .comment-picture {height:100px !important;width:100px;border:Solid #ffffff 1px;} .comment-picture a img {width:100px;height:100px;} .comment-picture img{filter:Progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Pixelate(MaxSquare=5);} .comment:hover .comment-picture img{filter:(image's link);} .comment-text {color:#c0c0c0 ;padding:5px 5px 10px 60px; background:#000000 url(http://i29.tinypic.com/35lhwqv.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat;width:190px !important; border:Solid #000000 3px;border-top:solid #000000 20px;} </style>


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