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Akousa poC o Pigasos eftia3e ton Core.. ennow no buGs.. alh8euei..??? enac friend mo0 eipe poc oute Phx pianei oute na stuckarw SA.. (auta h3ere auta dokimase..)  gia peite

Kita tha sou po o pigasos eftiaxe ayta ta bug pou i pio poli gnorizoume isos ama psaxis poli kala :D tha vris kati mikra bug oxi spoudea opos ayto pou aneferes kai opos ides to telefteo kero arxise to LAG einai apo ta piragmata pou kani sinexia ston server o HGM

kai tha sou pou ayto

-hlapex den doulevi

-walker doulevi

-phx doulevi ( mono me sigkekrimena packet)


Nai.. o pigasos ta fixare ola! ( mousi.. )


apla evale archid pack..

k nmz oti prokopse!

dn koitaei ta bug p exei sta gm shop! lUl!




Pianei t phx. exw logarei me phx k twra p einai archid. k doulevei kiolas. oxi to wh enchant. to pet enchant ...


pantws o srvr paramenei mia apotixia..


Akousa poC o Pigasos eftia3e ton Core.. ennow no buGs.. alh8euei..??? enac friend mo0 eipe poc oute Phx pianei oute na stuckarw SA.. (auta h3ere auta dokimase..)  gia peite

Core χωρις bugs δεν υφισταται λολ....

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