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[Super Guide]Compile any version of l2j!!!

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Huh, another nice share. This guide is made for totally newbie users (normally, we call them noobs :P But we have to be polite, so we use the scientific clause) and has screenshots too! One amazing guide, as now, you will be able to download your pack, in 1', without waiting for another man to make it for you (yes, that's what we call a pack, a compiled version of l2j or l2jfree, with some addons, but if we leave the addons out of this, that's what we mean). I think this is my best guide so far (and the most useful around). Keep your server up to date, don't wait for some newbies to make a pack for you (if they stop doing it and you don't know mysql, say bb to your server db) and make your java changes (well, if you knew java, you would know how to compile too :P). Let's go further now...


Note that my photos are for illustrative purposes only, and are taken from vista ultimate windows.


1st Step: What do i need?


Q: What do i need? Some 1000$ programs?

A: No, free downloadable files.


See the end of this page for links.


We need eclipse, and java jdk se. For vista windows, search for the compatible versions of this software (as i provide for XP but i have vista :P).


2nd Step: Installing java


We don't need a photo for this, just a common installer ;D Do it SUPER BOY!!!


3rd Step: Installing Eclipse and subeclipse/Main guide


First, we download eclipse, and we extract it to any folder. Now, we run eclipse.exe and we select our workspace (whatever you wish) and we press ok.




For me, i choose C:\Users\Aristeidis\workspace


Now we are in the welcome screen. Press that X button on its tab, i don't like it :P Nice, we go on. Now, go to help (upper right corner of the program's screen) then to software updates and finally to Find and Install.




Now we select Search new features to install




Then we use New remote side




Now we check the subeclipse and press Finish




And now we type the following







As you can understand, we are installing SubEclipse. We need it.


Now we go on and press Finish, and wait for some time until it finish search. Now we check subeclipse and press next




Now we select: Accept the terms of the license agreements, we press next, and finally finish for one more time.


We have to wait for some time now... The download can take some seconds or minutes (Depending on your internet connection).


Now, after our download ends, we select install all and then we have to accept the restart of our eclipse. Wait, it will start again by itself.


We select again our workspace and we go on...


Now we go to window (upper right corner of program's screen) then to show view and then other.asa




We select SVN Repository




Now we enter the svn repository location (we first use right click on the new tab on the white space, then new and finally Repository location.




We add these info (for official l2j)





Then accept permanently this certificate


Now there is a new SVN in our screen. Click on that cross (in order to expand it), then trunk and right click on L2_GAMESERVER (if that SVN has there L2_GAMESERVER or L2_DATAPACK as l2jfree has, you have to do the same thing again for every of these) and then check out...




After that, select checkout as project in the workspace and select finish.




Now wait, it will take some time, it's about 8mb download... When it finish, go on to the next step.


Now we have to configure java. Go to window (upper right corner of program's screen) and then preferences. Check that cross on java (in order to expand that box) and then click on Installed JREs. Select jdk and unselect jre (if you have both of them installed). Press ok. (Remember that if it can't find it, you have to add the path manually using the add button... for me the path is: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_04





Now go to window (upper right corner of program's screen), show view, other... Then expand the Ant folder (click on that cross) and double click on that little Ant :P Now a new window appeared next to outline.




We use right click inside that window, then add buildfiles and ok.





Now on that tab, we double click on DIST [Default] and we finished! If we see the last picture, we are ok. You can find your .rar with the pack at the location that it has generated. Have fun ;)




That's all from me for now, i hope you like it, and you made it work.




After that, for official l2j, we download the dp from the site too, and we extract it to the same folder as the file we created.

For l2jfree, we have to do the same for datapack, login and gameserver.

For installation info, view my guide http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=2397.0

For creating your custom items/weapons/armors/skills and editting any stat of them, view my guide http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=2433.0

For NPC editting/creating, view my guide http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=2407.0




http://javashoplm.sun.com/ECom/docs/Welcome.jsp?StoreId=22&PartDetailId=jdk-1.5.0_04-oth-JPR&SiteId=JSC&TransactionId=noreg Java JDK SE

http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.2.1-200609210945/index.php Eclipse


~SVN Links~


LoginServer: svn://

GameServer: svn://

Datapack: svn://

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cmon anyone can share these "shares" but as you can see all bored

Well He RoCkS he shares many things he never says iam boring to help you if you have something like these Share it :@

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  • 2 weeks later...

http://img126.imageshack.us/my.php?image=guide7vr4.jpg look at the photo x.x


Just a typo (i had used eclipse before so i didn't need to press on that cross). Well, if you had seen the picture you would have seen that we have to CLICK ON THE CROSS AT SVN, so a new drop menu will appear with SVN REPOSITORY option.

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  • 1 month later...

L2JFree is using maven atm.

It sux i almost find how to do it and read all the guides but still is a long procedure so tons of problems..OmG why they have to make it so difficult? It was very better b4

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