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                                                    WEREWOLF 1.0


Introduction:Welcome to El Quibi, a new ruleset in a new setting.Well the game is based on turn by turn action game!Max number of players are 12 for beging form which 3 are werewolfs ,1 werewolf overlord(deamon Chief who can transorm any village to werewolf by turn) ,1 Angel(who may ask me by one turn if one person is a werewolf or not),1 Cupid (who can shoot one arrow by one turn and make a pair which he chose by making them as one,if one dies then the other dies too.)6 simple villages(which the only thing they can do is give their precious vote against the werewolfs and destroy them!)

From all of you who will apply for the game i want a some sort of application with a small bio.After we gather 12 people i will send a pm to each one of you and say to you your role!

Each day every one of you have the right to vote one he thinks he is  a werewolf after the vote proceedure i will tell you your desicion and who you actually killed!The winners will be the survived team either the good team or the evil!

Afto to thread tha einai gia tixon erwtisis kai dhlwseis afton pou endiaferontai!





Imerominia Gennisis:1/1/1970


Genni8ika sto Irakleio tsi Kritis kai megalwsa sto Parisi

Exw spoudasei Iatriki kai twra exaskw to epaggelma m stin Masaxouseti

Exw 4 paidia kai ena 1 eggoni

Exw spoudasei kai programmatismo (Java,C++,php)

Exw kanei master ston programmatismo...





hmerominia gennisis:1/2/1980

Gennithika:Se ena Diastimoplio eimai o gios mias astronauti kai megalwsa sto diastima

Exw spoudasei Lineage 2

Exw ena xaremi me mounakia

Milaw 19 glwses

Kai ton eleuthero mou xrono kanw mathimata sta tsirakia tou Bill Gates...


Name: Nazghoul ( Periplanomenh psixi allios Tongue gia tous agramatous )

Hmerominia geniseis : 0/0/0000

Spoudes: Spoudazw(tropos tou legein ) 2 Lukiou Pliroforikoi tomeas upostiriksi kai egatastash Diktion (exei kai ena allo alla dn to thimame Tongue emfarmogi kati teteio) Gnwrizw Html(oxi perfect Tongue) apo glwsses programatismou  Paskal, visual kati psila,Cobol mia fora ena programataki eixa kanei kai dn maresei einai periploki kai xwris logo! Xeirizometha kala programata opws Photoshop DreamWeaver to palevoume, Flash kati kanomen Tongue kai alla Tongue

Prosfata agorasa tin Wonderland apo ton Filo m ton Michael jacsson Tongue

Eidikotis m einai evresi kai krakarisma programatwn !

Episeis plironwme me tin wra kai einai guro sta 1500Eurw Smiley gia sas tha kanw ekptosi sta 1499



hmerominia gennisis:02/04/1992

Gennithika:Ston planiti Panathinaikos kai kathe mera vlepw tsoda

Exw spoudasi sto LineageII Pwnaging College tis agglias

Eimai kamenos

Milaw 9 glwses gallika ispanika italika alvanika tailandezika iaponezika agglika tourkina ellinika

Kai stis kathimerines kanw proponisis ston ari


Episis exw 4 paidia kai fora diesel kathe mera kai gialia ray ban ... exw mia gomena ksanthia galanomata 1.70 ... me telio soma kai kaloume kai tis files tis kai kanoume partakia ...


name: GeRi

hmerominia gennisis:1976

gennithika:Sto amsderdam kai megalosa stin brazilia

Spoudasa:Pliroforiki kai doulevo se enan stathmo stin australia

Milao:5 glwses kinezika elinika agglika galika kai italika

To xobi mou ine to gam.... Smiley


Name:Petros Crackeridis

Imerominia Genisis: 14/06/1980

Ilikia: 26

Geni8ika stin Voula proastio tis A8inas.. Eimai apofitos likiou kai exw 26 pistopiitika glosoma8ias (to ena apo afta den afora ksenes glosses ala kolpa me tin glosa Tongue).. Doulevw sto strato sto tmima kataskopias os hacker.. Den exw kamia gnosh apo programatismou ala exw gomena tin korh tou upourgou aminis.. Episis exw tin super ability na borw na faw 3 mesees dominos pitses mesa se 15 lepta (sovara)...


P.S. Den exw goneis... Tin protoxronia pou mas perase tous skotosa me ena CD me xristougeniatika tragoudia kai meta tous e8apsa sto stratopedo pou ergazome... Kai epidi to metaniosa tous klonopoiisa kai aftoi oi duo pou menw mazi tous tora einai androidi pou miazoun me tous goneis mou..


name: SoLuTiOn

hmerominia genisis : 16/79/5821

Genithika sto planet mou epiases ton kolo eimai -4585 etwn exw mia giagia kai ena papou.I giagia m legete Lakis  kai o papous m Afroditi.

Milaw kinezika kai lineagidika

eimai kamenos apo xeri kai dn xerw tpt ektos apo to name m Cheesy

aaa to ksexasa o pateras m einai o pickatsu kai i mana m o Yu-Gi-Oh.



hmerominia genisis:1/1/2007

topos genisis:Sigkatikos me ton TheVortex

Exo spoudasei Lineage2 Kaila




Genithika ston vorio polo kai me vrikan amerikani epistimones kai anakalipsan oti ime to pedi thauma.

Milao Ellinika,Italika,Ispanika,Albanika,Aglika,Germanika,Gallika,Tourkika,Arxaia Ellinika,Rossika,Souidika.

Asko to epagelma tou Idraulikou,Plakatzi,Ilektrologou,Filosofou episis douleuo gia to FBI kai alles mistikes organosis

O mpampas mou exi eteria kiniton tilefonon pou legete N***A de to leo na mi lete oti kano diafimisi

I mama mou ine gnosti Tragoudistria de thelo na apokalipso to onoma tis

kai i aderfi mou ine gnosto modelo pou sigoura tin xerete Oli,den thelo na apokalipso perisotera giati isos katalavete kai pios ime ego .BB

P.S episis agapo poli to Werewolf Project Introduction Wink



birthday:mazi me thn JoJo kapou to 1988(sto idio maieuthrio)

milaw Noobistika k lineagedika rwsika iapwnezika kinezika tailandezika filipinezika afrikanika indika(auta htan ta eukola)alla milaw k agglika ellhnika gallika germanika ispanika k italika(pou htan ligo duskola)

h katagwgh mou einai apo thn Arpakolandh den menw kapou sta8era gt o mpampas m einai o megasAlexandros k paei sunexws se ekstrateies(ase pou ton kunhgaei k mia palabh gorgona na rwtaei ama zei h pe8ane)k mama m einai h Paris Hilton...nonoi mou einai o BobSfougarakhs k o Patrik.

apofoithsa apo to AllDayKamenoiMeToLineage-university of PeraDo8e k to NooBCollege of Trexagureuolandhs...


name:bob sfougarakis

birthday:1/1/1821 (arxi ths epanastasis)

spoudes:epitimos kathigitis gkomenologias-kapsourologias kai spoudazw kamenologia sto l2

milaw agglika-gallika-italika-ispanika-pakistanika-albanika-arabika-tailandezika-swedika-ellhnika-tourkika

oi goneis m ine o bin landen kai i mama m ine h barbie

exw 3 aderfes p tyxainei na ine oi powerpuff girls (blossom-bubles kai i betercat)

epeishs eimai mazi me ton patrik o nonos t noble

zw sto 2o iliako systima 3 etos fwtos kai 9kkkkkkkk xiliometra pio pera se ena planiti p legete noobaplanitis

o kaliteros m filos ine o kolokotrwnis kai o patrik

i gkomena m ine h mastrokwsta(thelete kone me thn fili ths?)




Topos genisis:amazonios*

Xenes glwsses iapwnika,vietnamezika

Exw spoudasi:kamasutra,kai texnh tou porno

ama den ftanoun ayta pite m Wink



Efoson sas exw steilei se olous tous rolous sas to apixnidi mporie na xekinisi...

tha to kanoume ligaki san story...



skoteini nixta eftase sto El quibi mia omada 12 agnwstwn anthrwpwn gia na zisoun ston kainourgio tous oikismo...Kaneis den ixere omws ti tous perimene eki....

Legotan enas mithos oti eki zousan palia mia ageli apo likanthrwpous pou skwtwnan tous anthrwpous pou zousan sto oikismo...

OI omada xwristike se 4 spitakia dhladh 3 atoma se kathe spiti..

1st House





2nd House

bob sfougarakis

Petros Crackeridis



3rd House





4th House






1)Eis Mnimi tou Angwstou Antra!(1st day died)Killed by Werewolfs!

2)eis mnimi tou Moulou...(2nd day killed by Villagers)VILLAGER

3)Eis mnimi tou kakou Werewolf (3rd day killed by villagers)WEREWOLF

4)Eis mnimi tou Angelou pou den xrisimopoihse swsta tis idiotites tou.(4rd day killed by villagers)ANGEL

5)EIs mnimi tou athwou villager(5th day killed by werewolfs special ability)Villager...

6)Eis mnimi tou Thanou (5th day killed by villagers)Villager

Guest TheVortex

ade ti ginete tora ... pes tin istorioula sou :)


Kathws o petros Crackeridis pige spiti tou gia na koimith,prin koimithi omws eide to hmerologio kai eide oti aurio tha exei pansellino...Etrexe na enhmerwsei oloi tin omada pou apotelountan pleon apo 10 atoma....

Special abilitys available

Lord-APo aurio to special ability

Angel-Exei special ability

Cupid-Den exei xrisimopoihsh tin eidikotita tou...


Guest TheVortex

psifizw Crackeridis  kade mlkia esis na me vgalete mlkes kai meta tha klete  :o


vasika kai pali thevortex gt simera ir8e i mera kai ton fovamai poli.....twra tis 2 teleytaies wres me plisiazei poli epeidi ton psifisa kai kati m vrwmaei stin oli istoria



P.S mlkia ayto me ta name re...as koitaxei eite stin arxi eite dipla ka8ws ta perissotera einai ta idia...lew na to afiseis aytoi me ta names gt dn polileei

Guest Thanos47



Paidia den pianw tin logiki pou me psifizete... An eimoun likos 8a sas elege o Nitrous oti ka8isa kai kseskistika na ma8w ta pada gia tous werewolfs apo vivlia (http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=3322.msg23103#msg23103)? Episis dikia mou itan h idea na dw pote exei panselino gia na paroume metra...


Petros Crackeridis:

Psifizw Nazghoul giati mou tin edose pou me psifise kai den vlepw kapia idieteri simetoxi... (8a psifiza ton Vortex ala me epirease h blofa tou... kai epidi nomizw oti katalava giati tou epite8ike enas likos..)


Tha psifizw crackeridi

naz upogramise...

psifizw kai gw crackeridi giati kati xeroun oi alloi..den xerw gt se psifizoun..alla mallon kati pezei..


p3tros re file to oti dn exw sumetoxi re exw kseskistei sta diagonismata sto sxoleio dn mporw na katsw arketes wres sto pc gia auto dn exw polu simetoxh mporei na min se endiaferei alla na min nomoizete pws adiaforo :(


Kala milame den tin palevete...

Tha psifizw crackeridi

naz upogramise...

psifizw kai gw crackeridi giati kati xeroun oi alloi..den xerw gt se psifizoun..alla mallon kati pezei..

@mastropos ti logiki einai afti? ok guyz apo oti vlepw simera xanoume alon enan villager... Me tin logiki oti epidi me psifise kapios kati 8a kserei (omg.. nioste ligo to game)... Tespa an den alaksei kati ta leme sto Werewolf project 1.1...


@Nazghoul den enoousa afto... To oti os in-game character den exeis kapia anamiksi enoosa... Se katalavenw kai egw exw piksei sto diavasma gia tis panelinies...


P.S. eimai 65% sigouros oti o Vortex den einai likos...


Kathws o petros Crackeridis pige spiti tou gia na koimith,prin koimithi omws eide to hmerologio kai eide oti aurio tha exei pansellino...[glow=red,2,300]Etrexe na enhmerwsei oloi tin omada [/glow]pou apotelountan pleon apo 10 atoma....

AN itan aftos den tha etrexe na enimerosi tin omada DIAVASTE PROSEXTIKA ;)

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    • Where I can buy a cheap domain .com? cheapest I found was on Godaddy for 12 euro and Hostinger for 10 euro.
    • Hello everyone, here's a simple and useful idea for any type of server.   This code applies a discount when a player makes a purchase inside a clan’s castle or clan hall, offering a benefit to clan members who own a castle or clan hall. Important: Merchant transactions must be handled through multisell, not buylist. The discount is directly applied within the multisell, so the price shown is already reduced.   "For example, if a scroll costs 1000 Adena and you set a 20% discount in the config, the final price when purchasing inside a castle or clan hall will be 800 Adena."   This code is developed on the public aCis 401 revision.   public static int CLAN_BASE_OWNERSHIP_MERCHANT_DISCOUNT; CLAN_BASE_OWNERSHIP_MERCHANT_DISCOUNT = clans.getProperty("ClanBaseOwnershipMechantDiscount", 20); # If clan owns a clan hall or castle, all members have a discount of X% at merchant transactions (multisell). # Discount applies only inside the base (castle or clan hall). ClanBaseOwnershipMechantDiscount = 20   /** diff --git a/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/data/xml/MultisellData.java b/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/data/xml/MultisellData.java index 556e111..bbf8e69 100644 --- a/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/data/xml/MultisellData.java +++ b/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/data/xml/MultisellData.java @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ do { // send list at least once even if size = 0 - player.sendPacket(new MultiSellList(list, index)); + player.sendPacket(new MultiSellList(list, index, player)); index += PAGE_SIZE; } while (index < list.getEntries().size()); diff --git a/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/MultiSellChoose.java b/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/MultiSellChoose.java index 7c82c5b..1654abc 100644 --- a/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/MultiSellChoose.java +++ b/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/MultiSellChoose.java @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import net.sf.l2j.Config; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.enums.FloodProtector; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.enums.StatusType; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.enums.ZoneId; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.enums.items.CrystalType; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.Augmentation; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.Player; @@ -225,6 +226,20 @@ return; } + if (player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.CLAN_HALL) && player.getClan() != null && player.getClan().hasClanHall()) + { + e.setItemCount(e.getItemCount() * (100 - Config.CLAN_BASE_OWNERSHIP_MERCHANT_DISCOUNT) / 100); + if (e.getItemCount() == 0) + e.setItemCount(1); + } + + if (player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.CASTLE) && player.getClan() != null && player.getClan().hasCastle()) + { + e.setItemCount(e.getItemCount() * (100 - Config.CLAN_BASE_OWNERSHIP_MERCHANT_DISCOUNT) / 100); + if (e.getItemCount() == 0) + e.setItemCount(1); + } + if (Config.BLACKSMITH_USE_RECIPES || !e.getMaintainIngredient()) { // if it's a stackable item, just reduce the amount from the first (only) instance that is found in the inventory diff --git a/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/serverpackets/MultiSellList.java b/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/serverpackets/MultiSellList.java index 9269b06..c6102a0 100644 --- a/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/serverpackets/MultiSellList.java +++ b/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/serverpackets/MultiSellList.java @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ import static net.sf.l2j.gameserver.data.xml.MultisellData.PAGE_SIZE; +import net.sf.l2j.Config; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.enums.ZoneId; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.Player; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.multisell.Entry; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.multisell.Ingredient; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.multisell.ListContainer; @@ -15,7 +18,9 @@ private boolean _finished; - public MultiSellList(ListContainer list, int index) + private Player _player; + + public MultiSellList(ListContainer list, int index, Player player) { _list = list; _index = index; @@ -28,6 +33,8 @@ } else _finished = true; + + _player = player; } @Override @@ -74,7 +81,14 @@ { writeH(ing.getItemId()); writeH(ing.getTemplate() != null ? ing.getTemplate().getType2() : 65535); - writeD(ing.getItemCount()); + + if (_player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.CLAN_HALL) && _player.getClan() != null && _player.getClan().hasClanHall()) + writeD((ing.getItemCount() * (100 - Config.CLAN_BASE_OWNERSHIP_MERCHANT_DISCOUNT) / 100) < 1 ? 1 : ing.getItemCount() * 80 / 100); + else if (_player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.CASTLE) && _player.getClan() != null && _player.getClan().hasCastle()) + writeD((ing.getItemCount() * (100 - Config.CLAN_BASE_OWNERSHIP_MERCHANT_DISCOUNT) / 100) < 1 ? 1 : ing.getItemCount() * 80 / 100); + else + writeD(ing.getItemCount()); + writeH(ing.getEnchantLevel()); writeD(0x00); // TODO: i.getAugmentId() writeD(0x00); // TODO: i.getManaLeft()  
    • DISCORD : utchiha_market telegram : https://t.me/utchiha_market SELLIX STORE : https://utchihamkt.mysellix.io/ Join our server for more products : https://discord.gg/uthciha-services https://campsite.bio/utchihaamkt
    • WTB EXP ETERNAL 10x new dm.
    • This project is based on the latest public aCis sources (revision 401) and supports a multi-client system (C4 & IL), making it suitable for custom usage but not for retail.   You can configure the SelectedClient option in server.properties and loginserver.properties to switch between C4 and IL.  Both clients are fully synchronized, including login, server selection, packets, and geodata.   Notable Features: - Completed the login and server selection phase for both clients. - Synchronized all packets to support both clients (including some specific features). - Reworked the datapack and SQL files (excluding HTML files) to work seamlessly with both clients. - Added geodata support for both clients. - Adapted nearly all AI, scripts, bosses, HTML, and MULTISELL files to match C4 functionality. - Reduced the maximum clan level from 8 to 5 (C4 feature). - Rewrote clan HTML to remove C5-C6 features.   Disabled the following C5 and C6 features: - Divine Inspiration (C6 feature). - Clan skills and clan reputation points (C5 feature). - Pledge class (C5 feature). - Hero skills (C5 feature). - Dueling system (C6 feature). - Augmentations (C6 feature). - Cursed weapons (C5-C6 feature).   General Improvements: - Performed a general HTML cleanup and optimized features based on the client version. - Added an option to display the remaining time of disabled skills. - Skill timestamps now update when using the skill list.   This flexibility allows you to create a unique progression system tailored to your needs. The price for the diff patch, which can be applied to aCis public sources, is €150. For inquiries, please contact me via PM or Discord (ID: @Luminous).
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