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[Exploit] Interlude L2J Phx Enchant Packing!


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Hey Lain , I Got a Problem..

oN The Servers I Tried To Do That, When I Log , Phx Doenst Recognize The Player..


And It Says Empty..

I Tried With 3.1.6 *( The Version u use )*

With 3.1.8


and with the last one that is for gracia pt 2.


teh same shit.

any ideas?


Usually this happens to me, that when you start up your phx and then client, phx doesn't recognize the character and the server. It solves just a game shut down and again game launch, while having the phx on.


Even if that didn't help, then server is most likely protected from the phx.

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Hey sorry i try to do this bug on a server that almost every bug works but when i buy item it doesn't say requestbuylist... it says buylist or buyitem . pls help and on the buyitem there isn't a number 21 or 19 or 18...etc. pls help me



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Guys i found a server where l2phx works and i managed to make some weapons+++++

And when i tried with 1 armor i just got the normal one from the shop.. what could the problem be?


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Mate The Change of The Packet 21 to 19 is just the item id.. i mean , in the multisell , when u create one , u start id's 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 etc...


So , When You Tried It You Just Changed Bought The Weapon With id 19. About the enchantment i dunno.. but thats what u did. think about it. or check it at the video..


P.S: I Didnt manage to make it work

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Thaks you very much!!!

That's very fine! o.O


Guys, you're just mean. Now you're punished with -1 karma, next time I'll report ya to a mod, could be result even of a ban.

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