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Devianne - Lineage 2 Interlude  Client - Classic.


🔷Dynamic Rates

🔸Experience (EXP) - 10x
🔸Skill Points (SP) - 10x
🔸Adena - 6x
🔸Drop Items - 3x
🔸Spoil - 3x
🔸Quest Experience (EXP) - 1x
🔸Quest Skill Points (SP) - 1x
🔸Quest Adena - 1x
🔸Quest Items Drop - 1x
🔸Seal stone Drop - 1x
🔸Epic raid - 1x
🔸Raid Drop - 2.0x
🔸Manor - 5x
🔸Daily quest

⚠️Extra Settings⚠️

🔸Server time, site - GMT -3
🔸Buffs, Dances, and Songs duration - 1 hour
🔸Max Buffs Slots - 24+ 4 divine
🔸Maximum Slots Dances and Songs - 12
🔸GmShop Grade - C
🔸Global teleport
🔸Grade B-A-S - Craft
🔸Mana potion recharge 🔸1000 (9 seconds delay)
🔸Raid HP - x1.4
🔸Raid epic HP - x1
🔸Blacksmith Mammon - 24/7
🔸Champions System - Yes chance respawn 0.5%
🔸Offline mode Shop - Yes
🔸Auto Learn Skills - Yes
🔸Auto Learn Loot - Yes
🔸Auto Learn Raid & Grand 🔸Boss Loot - No
🔸Buffer offline - Yes
🔸Wedding System - Yes
🔸Max level diff distribution drop in party - 14
🔸Limit the number of active gaming clients on one PC - 2
🔸Limit the number of active gaming clients on one PC for Premium - 3
🔸The clan leader will be replaced after server restart

⚠️Class and Subclass Change⚠️

🔸1st profession Quest - No
🔸2nd profession Quest - No
🔸3rd profession Quest - Yes
🔸Sub Class Quest- Yes
🔸Sub Class Raid - 8 hours +-30m random
🔸Nobility and Olympiads
Nobility Quest - Yes
🔸Olympiads (duration) - 14 days
🔸Max enchant - +6
🔸Respawn Barakiel 6 hours - +-15 min random
🔸Olympiad schedule - 13:00 
WEB: https://devianne-l2.com/







Edited by NevesOma
New title
  • NevesOma changed the title to [L2J] Devianne-l2
  • 1 month later...
On 10/10/2024 at 7:17 AM, erikson2 said:



Server mid rate craft PvP

7-december 2024  Open Server


🔅Sp x25
🔅Adena x15
🔅Droop x2
🔅Spoil x2
🔅Raidboss xp x2
🔅Raidboss sp x2
🔅Raidboss droop x1
🔅All Rate quest reward  x1
⚠️All Quest drop reward. x1
🔅Manor x 3
🔅Seal stone x1

🛡️🗡️INFO GRADO S🗡️🛡️

⚠️Inicia desabilitado drop/spoil/quest.


🛡️1st profession - 50medal
🛡️2nd profession - 500 medal
🛡️3rd profession - 1k medal +30kk adena
🛡️Sub class - Quest. No necesita matar raids.


🛡️Gmshop  grade - B.
🛡️Grade A-S Craft - yes x1 chance
🛡️Globlal teleport - yes
🛡️Buffer 1hora.
🛡️Buffer slot 24(+4divine)+12 dances-song
🛡️Auto learn skils - yes
🛡️Autoloot - yes
🛡️Mana potion recarga 1000 ,9segundos delay.
🛡️Champions system:
    ▫️lvl 30 - 76
    ▫️chance respawn 0.5%.
    ▫️adena x20
🛡️Max lvl party 14 lvl.
🛡️Festive sweeper on.
🛡️Max client pc 2.
🛡️Raid boss respawn retail.
🛡️Nobleza quest - yes.
🛡️Barakiel respawn 6 horas + -30 min.
🛡️Olimpiada duracion 14 dias.
🛡️Olimpiada de 18:00 a 00:00
🛡️Safe enchant +3
🛡️Normal enchant scroll 50%
⚠️+11-16 chance 30%
🛡️Bleesed enchant scroll 55%
⚠️+11-16 chance 35%
🛡️Rate dinamico x1 lvl 77-80


🔅Crear clan min. level 20
🔅Max Alianzas 1
🔅Duracion penalidades clan / alianzas 8 horas.
🔅Cambio de lider 24 horas.

🛡️⚔️ ASEDIOS ⚔️🛡️

🔅Cada 2 semanas.
🔅Proteccion hwid 1 pc.
🔅Clanes registrados. acceden a zona de asedio.
🔅Castillo asediable Aden.
🔅Reward 1000 FA
🔅Horario 16:00 GMT-3


🔅Start set - armor\weapon no grade.
🔅Level 20  - 5 shadow cuppon grado D
🔅Level 40 - 5 shadow cuppon grado C
🔅Free Autofarm 24 horas.


🔅Free autofarm.
🔅xp x30
🔅sp x30
🔅adena x17
🔅drop x4
🔅spoil x4
🔅enchant +2%
🔅seal stone x1
🔅Altb Gk-Gmshop/buffe


🔅Raid boss 70 ++ respawn 5 días despues.
🔅Raid boss 75 ++ respawn 15 días despues
🔅Drop LETTER L2DAY para tradear en GMshop.


🔅Inicio del drop Seal stones dia 5 de iniciado el server.


🔅Queen Ant (lvl 40)respawn Lunes a Viernes 22:00 GMT-3 drop chance 30%.
🔅Core (lvl 80)respawn Martes-miercoles 20:20 GMT-3 drop chance 100%.
🔅Orfen (lvl 80)respawn Martes-miercoles 21:00 GMT-3 drop chance 100%.
🔅Zaken (lvl 80)respawn Jueves 23:00 GMT-3 drop chance 100%.
🔅Frintezza (lvl 80)respawn Viernes 23:00 GMT-3 drop chance 100%.
🔅Baium (lvl 80)respawn Sabado 22:00 GMT-3 drop chance 100%.
🔅Valakas (lvl 80)respawn Domingo 20:00 GMT-3 drop chance 100%.
🔅Antharas (lvl 80)respawn Domingo 22:00 GMT-3 drop chance 100%.







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