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Max attk speed, casting, run speed?



Hello, im trying to remove or change this limits (attk speed, casting speed, run speed) im using aCis 401, any idea of which file i can start? Im using eclipse


And im trying to use Gordon for raid zone, but i have i problem, i cant remove his walker route, i edited his condition spawn in  like other boss, he is returning always on spawn when far 200mts. But he is always walking to goddar...


I edited RaidBoss.java to this


// The boss isn't in combat, check the teleport possibility.

if (!isInCombat())


// Gordon is excluded too.

if (Rnd.nextBoolean())


// Spawn must exist.

final Spawn spawn = getSpawn();

if (spawn == null)


// If the boss is above drift range (or 200 minimum), teleport him on his spawn.

if (!isIn3DRadius(spawn.getLoc(), Math.max(Config.MAX_DRIFT_RANGE, 200)))

teleportTo(spawn.getLoc(), 0);




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23 hours ago, VipeRing said:

Hello, im trying to remove or change this limits (attk speed, casting speed, run speed) im using aCis 401, any idea of which file i can start? Im using eclipse


And im trying to use Gordon for raid zone, but i have i problem, i cant remove his walker route, i edited his condition spawn in  like other boss, he is returning always on spawn when far 200mts. But he is always walking to goddar...


I edited RaidBoss.java to this


// The boss isn't in combat, check the teleport possibility.

if (!isInCombat())


// Gordon is excluded too.

if (Rnd.nextBoolean())


// Spawn must exist.

final Spawn spawn = getSpawn();

if (spawn == null)


// If the boss is above drift range (or 200 minimum), teleport him on his spawn.

if (!isIn3DRadius(spawn.getLoc(), Math.max(Config.MAX_DRIFT_RANGE, 200)))

teleportTo(spawn.getLoc(), 0);





1. Find <script path="script.ai.boss.Gordon"/> 

2. Comment <!-- <script path="script.ai.boss.Gordon"/> -->

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