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Need to modify systemmsg-e.dat on Gracia Part2


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Hi guys.. i'm looking for somebody that know how modify this file on Gracia Part 2 (need it to change colors on text)


I tryed just using l2Utils but it work for Gracia part1 not for part2.

I tryed to change on client  systemmsg-e.dat, user.ini and l2.ini but problem still same... if i change one of those files client don't work..


Somebody may help me?



Thanks in Advance!

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Search the forum for a gracia part 2 patched system and download it.


Gracia Part 1 file edit works also with part 2.




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Ciao Atayaia, scusami ma riesci a giocare su server italiani con quella system?io ho provato su kilah e coldfusion ma dopo 30s mi crasha, invece su server stranieri ho provato e va tutto ok..mi potresti aiutare?tnx :)

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