My doubt and how can I remove the visibility of an object
I already left the Instance ready but even so it continues to see all NPCs Player Objects
package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Collections;import java.util.List;import java.util.function.Predicate;import net.sf.l2j.commons.logging.CLogger;import net.sf.l2j.commons.math.MathUtil;import net.sf.l2j.Instancia.Instance;import net.sf.l2j.Instancia.InstanceManager;import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.enums.ZoneId;import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.enums.items.ShotType;import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.idfactory.IdFactory;import;import;import;import;import;import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.location.Location;import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.location.SpawnLocation;import;import;/**
* Mother class of all interactive objects in the world (PC, NPC, Item...)
*/public abstract classWorldObject{publicstatic final CLogger LOGGER =newCLogger(WorldObject.class.getName());privateString _name;privateint _objectId;private final SpawnLocation _position =newSpawnLocation(0,0,0,0);privateWorldRegion _region;private boolean _isVisible;publicWorldObject(int objectId){
_objectId = objectId;}privateint _instanceId;/**
* @param instanceId Specify the instance id
* @param silent If silent is true, it will just set the instance id, and await a knowlist change(like teleport), if false it will force instance teleportation
*/publicvoid setInstanceId(int instanceId, boolean silent){int oldInstance = _instanceId;
_instanceId = instanceId;if(instanceId !=0){if(oldInstance !=0&&this instanceof Player){Instance ins =InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstanceId(oldInstance);if(ins != null)// Destroyed already.
ins.remove((Player)this,false,false);}Instance ins =InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstanceId(instanceId);if(ins == null){"Cannot find instance with id["+ instanceId +"]. Aborting!");
_instanceId =0;return;}
spawnMe();}}publicint getInstanceId(){return _instanceId;}public boolean isAttackableBy(Creature attacker){returnfalse;}public boolean isAttackableWithoutForceBy(Playable attacker){returnfalse;}@OverridepublicString toString(){return(getClass().getSimpleName()+":"+ getName()+"["+ getObjectId()+"]");}publicvoid onAction(Player player, boolean isCtrlPressed, boolean isShiftPressed){
player.sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET);}publicvoid onSpawn(){}/**
* Remove this {@link WorldObject} from the world.
*/publicvoid decayMe(){
setRegion(null);World.getInstance().removeObject(this);}publicvoid refreshID(){World.getInstance().removeObject(this);IdFactory.getInstance().releaseId(getObjectId());
_objectId =IdFactory.getInstance().getNextId();}/**
* Spawn this {@link WorldObject} and add it in the world as a visible object.
*/public final void spawnMe(){
_isVisible =true;
* Initialize the position of this {@link WorldObject} and add it in the world as a visible object.
* @param loc : The location used as reference X/Y/Z.
*/public final void spawnMe(Location loc){
spawnMe(loc.getX(), loc.getY(), loc.getZ());}/**
* Initialize the position of this {@link WorldObject} and add it in the world as a visible object.
* @param loc : The location used as reference X/Y/Z.
* @param heading : The heading position to set.
*/public final void spawnMe(Location loc,int heading){
spawnMe(loc.getX(), loc.getY(), loc.getZ(), heading);}/**
* Initialize the position of this {@link WorldObject} and add it in the world as a visible object.
* @param loc : The location used as reference X/Y/Z.
*/public final void spawnMe(SpawnLocation loc){
spawnMe(loc.getX(), loc.getY(), loc.getZ(), loc.getHeading());}/**
* Initialize the position of this {@link WorldObject} and add it in the world as a visible object.
* @param x : The X position to set.
* @param y : The Y position to set.
* @param z : The Z position to set.
*/public final void spawnMe(int x,int y,int z){
_position.set(MathUtil.limit(x,World.WORLD_X_MIN,World.WORLD_X_MAX),MathUtil.limit(y,World.WORLD_Y_MIN,World.WORLD_Y_MAX), z);
* Initialize the position of this {@link WorldObject} and add it in the world as a visible object.
* @param x : The X position to set.
* @param y : The Y position to set.
* @param z : The Z position to set.
* @param heading : The heading position to set.
*/public final void spawnMe(int x,int y,int z,int heading){
_position.set(MathUtil.limit(x,World.WORLD_X_MIN,World.WORLD_X_MAX),MathUtil.limit(y,World.WORLD_Y_MIN,World.WORLD_Y_MAX), z, heading);
* @return the visibilty state of this {@link WorldObject}.
*/public final boolean isVisible(){return _region != null && _isVisible;}public final void setIsVisible(boolean value){
_isVisible = value;if(!_isVisible)
setRegion(null);}public final String getName(){return _name;}publicvoid setName(String value){
_name = value;}public final int getObjectId(){return _objectId;}publicPlayer getActingPlayer(){return null;}/**
* Sends the Server->Client info packet for this {@link WorldObject}.
* @param player : The packet receiver.
*/publicvoid sendInfo(Player player){}/**
* Check if this {@link WorldObject} has charged shot.
* @param type : The type of the shot to be checked.
* @return true if the object has charged shot.
*/public boolean isChargedShot(ShotType type){returnfalse;}/**
* Charging shot into this {@link WorldObject}.
* @param type : The type of the shot to be (un)charged.
* @param charged : true if we charge, false if we uncharge.
*/publicvoid setChargedShot(ShotType type, boolean charged){}/**
* Try to recharge a shot.
* @param physical : The skill is using Soulshots.
* @param magical : The skill is using Spiritshots.
*/publicvoid rechargeShots(boolean physical, boolean magical){}/**
* Check if this {@link WorldObject} is in the given {@link ZoneId}.
* @param zone : The ZoneId to check.
* @return true if the object is in that ZoneId.
*/public boolean isInsideZone(ZoneId zone){returnfalse;}/**
* Set the position of this {@link WorldObject} and if necessary modify its _region.
* @param x : The X position to set.
* @param y : The Y position to set.
* @param z : The Z position to set.
*/public final void setXYZ(int x,int y,int z){
_position.set(x, y, z);if(!isVisible())return;
final WorldRegion region =World.getInstance().getRegion(_position);if(region != _region)
* Set the position of this {@link WorldObject} and if necessary modify its _region.
* @param loc : The SpawnLocation used as reference.
*/public final void setXYZ(SpawnLocation loc){
final WorldRegion region =World.getInstance().getRegion(_position);if(region != _region)
* Set the position of this {@link WorldObject} using a WorldObject reference position, and if necessary modify its _region.
* @param object : The WorldObject used as reference.
*/public final void setXYZ(WorldObject object){
* Set the position of this {@link WorldObject} and make it invisible.
* @param x : The X position to set.
* @param y : The Y position to set.
* @param z : The Z position to set.
*/public final void setXYZInvisible(int x,int y,int z){
_position.set(MathUtil.limit(x,World.WORLD_X_MIN,World.WORLD_X_MAX),MathUtil.limit(y,World.WORLD_Y_MIN,World.WORLD_Y_MAX), z);
setIsVisible(false);}public final void setXYZInvisible(Location loc){
setXYZInvisible(loc.getX(), loc.getY(), loc.getZ());}public final int getX(){return _position.getX();}public final int getY(){return _position.getY();}public final int getZ(){return _position.getZ();}public final int getHeading(){return _position.getHeading();}public final SpawnLocation getPosition(){return _position;}public final WorldRegion getRegion(){return _region;}/**
* Update current and surrounding {@link WorldRegion}s, based on both current region and region set as parameter.
* @param newRegion : null to remove the {@link WorldObject}, or the new region.
*/publicvoid setRegion(WorldRegion newRegion){List<WorldRegion> oldAreas =Collections.emptyList();if(_region != null){
oldAreas = _region.getSurroundingRegions();}List<WorldRegion> newAreas =Collections.emptyList();if(newRegion != null){
newAreas = newRegion.getSurroundingRegions();}// For every old surrounding area NOT SHARED with new surrounding areas.for(WorldRegion region : oldAreas){if(!newAreas.contains(region)){// Refresh infos related to zones.for(ZoneType zone : region.getZones())
zone.removeKnownObject(this);// Update all objects.for(WorldObject obj : region.getObjects()){if(obj ==this)continue;// if not same instance don't add to knownlistif(obj.getInstanceId()!= getInstanceId())continue;
removeKnownObject(obj);}// Desactivate the old neighbor region.if(this instanceof Player&& region.isEmptyNeighborhood())
region.setActive(false);}}// For every new surrounding area NOT SHARED with old surrounding areas.for(WorldRegion region : newAreas){if(!oldAreas.contains(region)){// Refresh infos related to zones.for(ZoneType zone : region.getZones())
zone.addKnownObject(this);// Update all objects.for(WorldObject obj : region.getObjects()){if(obj ==this)continue;// if not same instance don't add to knownlistif(obj.getInstanceId()!= getInstanceId())continue;
addKnownObject(obj);}// Activate the new neighbor region.if(this instanceof Player)
_region = newRegion;for(WorldObject obj : getDifferentInstanceObjects()){if(obj ==this)continue;
* Add a {@link WorldObject} to knownlist.
* @param object : An object to be added.
*/publicvoid addKnownObject(WorldObject object){}/**
* Remove a {@link WorldObject} from knownlist.
* @param object : An object to be removed.
*/publicvoid removeKnownObject(WorldObject object){}/**
* @param target : The WorldObject to check.
* @return true if the {@link WorldObject} set as parameter is registered in same grid of regions than this WorldObject.
*/public final boolean knows(WorldObject target){// Object doesn't exist, return false.if(target == null)returnfalse;// No region set for the current WorldObject, return false.
final WorldRegion region = _region;if(region == null)returnfalse;// No region set for the target, return false.
final WorldRegion targetRegion = target.getRegion();if(targetRegion == null)returnfalse;// Return instantly true if one surrounding WorldRegions of this WorldObject matches with target WorldRegion.for(WorldRegion reg : region.getSurroundingRegions()){if(reg == targetRegion)returntrue;}returnfalse;}/**
* Return the knownlist of this {@link WorldObject} for a given object type.
* @param <A> : The object type must be an instance of WorldObject.
* @param type : The class specifying object type.
* @return List<A> : The knownlist of given object type.
*/@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")public final <A>List<A> getKnownType(Class<A> type){
final WorldRegion region = _region;if(region == null)returnCollections.emptyList();
final List<A> result =newArrayList<>();for(WorldRegion reg : region.getSurroundingRegions()){for(WorldObject obj : reg.getObjects()){if(obj ==this||!type.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass()))continue;if(obj.getInstanceId()!= getInstanceId()&&!(obj instanceof Fence))continue;
result.add((A) obj);}}return result;}/**
* Return the knownlist of this {@link WorldObject} for a given object type.
* @param <A> : The object type must be an instance of WorldObject.
* @param type : The class specifying object type.
* @param predicate : The predicate to match.
* @return List<A> : The knownlist of given object type.
*/@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")public final <A>List<A> getKnownType(Class<A> type,Predicate<A> predicate){
final WorldRegion region = _region;if(region == null)returnCollections.emptyList();
final List<A> result =newArrayList<>();for(WorldRegion reg : region.getSurroundingRegions()){for(WorldObject obj : reg.getObjects()){if(obj ==this||!type.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass())||!predicate.test((A) obj))continue;
result.add((A) obj);}}return result;}private final List<WorldObject> getDifferentInstanceObjects(){
final WorldRegion region = _region;if(region == null)returnCollections.emptyList();
final List<WorldObject> result =newArrayList<>();for(WorldRegion reg : region.getSurroundingRegions()){for(WorldObject obj : reg.getObjects()){if(obj ==this|| obj.getInstanceId()== getInstanceId()|| obj instanceof Door|| obj instanceof Fence)continue;
result.add(obj);}}return result;}/**
* Return the knownlist of this {@link WorldObject} for a given object type within specified radius.
* @param <A> : The object type must be an instance of WorldObject.
* @param type : The class specifying object type.
* @param radius : The radius to check in which object must be located.
* @return List<A> : The knownlist of given object type.
*/@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")public final <A>List<A> getKnownTypeInRadius(Class<A> type,int radius){
final WorldRegion region = _region;if(region == null)returnCollections.emptyList();
final List<A> result =newArrayList<>();for(WorldRegion reg : region.getSurroundingRegions()){for(WorldObject obj : reg.getObjects()){if(obj ==this||!type.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass())||!MathUtil.checkIfInRange(radius,this, obj,true))continue;if(obj.getInstanceId()!= getInstanceId()&&!(obj instanceof Fence))continue;
result.add((A) obj);}}return result;}/**
* Return the knownlist of this {@link WorldObject} for a given object type within specified radius.
* @param <A> : The object type must be an instance of WorldObject.
* @param type : The class specifying object type.
* @param radius : The radius to check in which object must be located.
* @param predicate : The predicate to match.
* @return List<A> : The knownlist of given object type.
*/@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")public final <A>List<A> getKnownTypeInRadius(Class<A> type,int radius,Predicate<A> predicate){
final WorldRegion region = _region;if(region == null)returnCollections.emptyList();
final List<A> result =newArrayList<>();for(WorldRegion reg : region.getSurroundingRegions()){for(WorldObject obj : reg.getObjects()){if(obj ==this||!type.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass())||!MathUtil.checkIfInRange(radius,this, obj,true)||!predicate.test((A) obj))continue;if(obj.getInstanceId()!= getInstanceId()&&!(obj instanceof Fence))continue;
result.add((A) obj);}}return result;}/**
* Refresh the knownlist for this {@link WorldObject}. Only used by teleport process.
*/public final void refreshKnownlist(){
final WorldRegion region = _region;if(region == null)return;for(WorldRegion reg : region.getSurroundingRegions()){for(WorldObject obj : reg.getObjects()){if(obj ==this)continue;if(obj.getInstanceId()!= getInstanceId())continue;
* Fire actions related to region activation.<br>
* <br>
* A region activation occurs when one {@link Player} enters for the first time in this {@link WorldObject}'s {@link WorldRegion} surroundings (self region included).<br>
* <br>
* Additional Player entrances don't activate it. This state is verified by {@link WorldRegion#isActive()}.
*/publicvoid onActiveRegion(){}/**
* Fire actions related to region desactivation.<br>
* <br>
* A region desactivation occurs when the last {@link Player} left this {@link WorldObject}'s {@link WorldRegion} surroundings (self region included).<br>
* <br>
* This state is verified by {@link WorldRegion#isActive()}.
*/publicvoid onInactiveRegion(){}/**
* @param object : The {@link WorldObject} to test.
* @param radius : The radius to test.
* @return True is this {@link WorldObject} is inside the given radius around the {@link WorldObject} set as parameter.
*/public final boolean isIn3DRadius(WorldObject object,int radius){return _position.isIn3DRadius(object.getPosition(), radius);}/**
* @param loc : The {@link Location} to test.
* @param radius : The radius to test.
* @return True is this {@link WorldObject} is inside the given radius around the {@link Location} set as parameter.
*/public final boolean isIn3DRadius(Location loc,int radius){return _position.isIn3DRadius(loc, radius);}/**
* @param x : The X coord to test.
* @param y : The Y coord to test.
* @param z : The Z coord to test.
* @param radius : The radius to test.
* @return True is this {@link WorldObject} is inside the given radius around the {@link Location} set as parameter.
*/public final boolean isIn3DRadius(int x,int y,int z,int radius){return _position.isIn3DRadius(x, y, z, radius);}/**
* @param object : The {@link WorldObject} to test.
* @return The distance between this {WorldObject} and the {@link WorldObject} set as parameter.
*/public final double distance3D(WorldObject object){return _position.distance3D(object.getPosition());}/**
* @param loc : The {@link Location} to test.
* @return The distance between this {WorldObject} and the {@link Location} set as parameter.
*/public final double distance3D(Location loc){return _position.distance3D(loc);}/**
* @param object : The {@link WorldObject} to test.
* @param radius : The radius to test.
* @return True is this {@link WorldObject} is inside the given radius around the {@link WorldObject} set as parameter.
*/public final boolean isIn2DRadius(WorldObject object,int radius){return _position.isIn2DRadius(object.getPosition(), radius);}/**
* @param loc : The {@link Location} to test.
* @param radius : The radius to test.
* @return True is this {@link WorldObject} is inside the given radius around the {@link Location} set as parameter.
*/public final boolean isIn2DRadius(Location loc,int radius){return _position.isIn2DRadius(loc, radius);}/**
* @param x : The X coord to test.
* @param y : The Y coord to test.
* @param radius : The radius to test.
* @return True is this {@link WorldObject} is inside the given radius around the {@link Location} set as parameter.
*/public final boolean isIn2DRadius(int x,int y,int radius){return _position.isIn2DRadius(x, y, radius);}/**
* @param object : The {@link WorldObject} to test.
* @return The distance - without counting Z - between this {WorldObject} and the {@link WorldObject} set as parameter.
*/public final double distance2D(WorldObject object){return _position.distance2D(object.getPosition());}/**
* @param loc : The {@link Location} to test.
* @return The distance - without counting Z - between this {WorldObject} and the {@link Location} set as parameter.
*/public final double distance2D(Location loc){return _position.distance2D(loc);}/**
* @param target : The {@link WorldObject} target to check.
* @return True if this {@link WorldObject} is behind the {@link WorldObject} target.
*/public final boolean isBehind(WorldObject target){return _position.isBehind(target);}/**
* @param target : The {@link WorldObject} target to check.
* @return True if this {@link WorldObject} is in front of the {@link WorldObject} target.
*/public final boolean isInFrontOf(WorldObject target){return _position.isInFrontOf(target);}/**
* @param target : The {@link WorldObject} target to check.
* @param maxAngle : The angle to check.
* @return True if this {@link WorldObject} is facing the {@link WorldObject} target.
*/public final boolean isFacing(WorldObject target,int maxAngle){return _position.isFacing(target, maxAngle);}/**
* @param player
*/publicvoid onInteract(Player player){}}
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Oh wait
Guess not
My doubt and how can I remove the visibility of an object
I already left the Instance ready but even so it continues to see all NPCs Player Objects
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