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Dupe Bug


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Did not find anything like it so lemme try..



1. Strider

2. Lots of stuff u wanna dupe

3. Friend


Rules are simple, u can dupe only items that stack in one place in ur inventory. For example.:Adena, AA, Mantra/Seal Stones, Mana Potions, HP Potions, CP Potions..u get the idea



1. Summon ur strider in some less crowded town, FE.: (Heine).

2. Now u need to make this thing really fast, when ur friend asks u for a trade u accept the trade and press TAB so fast that the trade and ur inventory opens at once.

3. U must have Trade, Inventory, and pets Inventory slots open.

4. Lets say we dupe Adenas, put 25 KK Adena in the trade, ur friend puts 25 KK Adena aswell.

5. Put 1 Adena in ur pets Inventory.

6. Put 1 Adena in the Trade again.

7. Now at this momment u should not have any more adena in ur inventory, the trick is ur already bugged at the trade..it shows 0 Adena in ur inventory but u still but 25 KK in ur pets inventory, do it all like its said and there should be 25 KK and 1 Adena in Trade and Pets Inventory.

8. Cancel the trade.

9. Now u see u have 25 KK and 1 Adena.

10. Unsummon ur pet, still 25 KK 1 Adena.

11. Delete 1 Adena and u get double u had.. repeat as many times as u want, just remember u and ur friend must have the same ammount of Adena.



Any questions ?

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Gonna be hard making a video since i aint playing any l2 atm..just an old bug i remembered and shared...tried on several servers before worked on l2off c4/c6...dont think u find any l2j that it works since they have that trade system where items dont go from ur trade side to the trade window..it stays in both sides and u cant put 2 times the same item..u can try and ask wich part u didnt understand

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it works since they have that trade system where items dont go from ur trade side to the trade window..it stays in both sides and u can put 2 times the same item..u can try and ask wich part u didnt understand

Now that you said that I, pretty much, understood it.
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es-l2 it worked and i think it hasnt been fixed yet...on bunch of lithuanian servers...and some l2off english servers dun remember the names tho...u can try on any server..since u cant fix the bug unless take out striders outta the game

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since u cant fix the bug unless take out striders outta the game

Talking about a serious l2off developer, can be fixed without taking striders out.

[A bit offtopic though...]

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Hah, talking about ES-L2 where I have been playing for 2 years? It's a "lolserver", GMs promissing Interlude for 1 and half year (still C4), server doesn't have that good protection (forgot the name, dapma64x or something.. you kno..) and that's really stupid overdonated server now with shitloads of Brazilians, you learn brazil language or just better do not join this server, huh.




@fakoykas: Well, it worth atleast a try. :) I will post my results after the New Year, but I guess the result will be failure.


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