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interlude [Interlude L2J] L2-Lords Faction KvN


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Server will start 2008.12.27 16:00 (GMT+2).



Server Info


Koofs Vs Noobs Server:


- You get 5 Adens for killing other faction.

- The action is between Aden Castle and town.

- Server Client: Interlude

- Enchant Rates: Max 32 / Simple 75% / Blessed 80% / Safe +4

- Custom Faction Shops, Gatekeeper, NPC Buffer

- Profession Manager.

- All Buffs 9 ahours.

- Auto Skills.

- No Nobless Quest.

- No Sub-Class Quest.

- Custom Raid Boss (Water Spirit Lian) drops RaidBoss Jewellry randomly.




- A-Grade Items Free.

- S-Grade Items For Aden.

- Custom Items (Phoenix Armors/Weapons, Epic Wings, Custom Tattoos) For Aden.

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Ah dude! five adenas when kill the enemy from other faction ok.. but safe +4 max +32? :( the scroll for weapons how much does it cost? :( and rate 75% and blessed 80% i think your server will be HARD  to become Pro :(

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Seems very nice



Btw opens in 5 mins xD


EDIT: OmG Lags like hell and every1 speaks lithuanian(or whatever) even the gms




Nah i dont like it

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