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Hello everyone! I have been struggling with this problem for a long time, and after finding a solution, I couldn't stop myself from sharing it.


If you have been selling CS:GO skins through third-party websites, you know that it takes 14 days of the Steam trade hold before you can actually start selling. It was a real pain for me to see how the price of my skins goes down and understand that I can do nothing about it. The only alternatives were selling skins by yourself or hiring a middleman, but none of them work. In the first case, you become highly exposed to scam, whereas in the second one, you lose even more money.


The solution is Face2Face trading on DMarket.


I don't want to explain how to set it up as it has already been done here - https://dmarket.com/blog/dmarket-peer-to-peer-trading/.


However, I know that you would like to know how it works, which is quite simple: instead of depositing your skins to bots of the platform, you sell them to another person right away and receive money immediately.


So, the next time you will be in hurry to sell skins, make sure to check out the Face2Face trading instead of the conventional way.

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