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Hello all in this year will open one legendary server like the facebook page and will see all https://www.facebook.com/LineageIIVendetta/


Server Features


*EXP: 35x
*SP: 45x
*DROP: 1x
*SPOIL: 15x
*ADENA: 200x

Enchant system:

*Enchant Weapon Safe: +3.
*Enchant Weapon Max: +27.
*Enchant Weapon Rate: Normal Scroll - 58%, Blessed Scroll - 65%.

*Enchant Armor & Jewel Safe: +3.
*Enchant Armor & Jewel Max: + 12.
*Enchant Armor & Jewel Rate: Normall Scroll - 40%, Blessed Scroll - 50%.


*Interlude Client 100% Working.
*Starting Level: 1 with 2KK Adena.
*Main Town: Strip Mine (Shopping zone. Here u can fing all our custom NPCs.)
*Farm Zone: DVC Level 78-80 (Drop from mobs is Adena, Seal Stones and Vendetta Coin. Here you can find also 4 custom raid bosses.)
*Epic Zone: Gondor Level 87-90 (Drop from Gondor Guards is Adena, Seal Stones and Little chance for Epic Weapons. Here you can find also 5 custom raid bosses with respawn time 12h.)
*Epic Zone: Mordor Level 87-90 (Drop from Mordor Guards is adena, Seal Stones and Little chance for Mordor Weapons. Here you can find also 5 custom raid bosses with respawn time 12h.)
*Max. level is 80 and 100%.
*Zariche and Cursed Weapon System work 100%.
*Auto Learn Skill. Without Divine inspirations book for learn 4 buff slot additionally.
*Subclass: Free.
*Buffs lasts: 1h. Special Buffs Cov, Magnus etc.. 20 min. Seraphin and Cat 5 min.
*Buffs slot: 26 + 4 Divine inspiration.
*Clan skill: 100% working.
*Olympiad fully working. Period is 1 week.
*Sieges 100% working.
*Geodata fully working.
*Offline Shop working.
*TvT event: auto in every 2h. (Later will have "Character Killing Monuments", "Party Farm" and "Tournament"
*Spawn Protection.
*Clan Hall work 100%.
*Petitions 100% work.

Custom Items (All items buy with Spoil materials, Epic Tokens, AA):

-Spoil is retail like.
-Epic Tokens (Drop only from Raid bosses in Gondor and Mordor.)
-Ancient Adena (Drop from DVC Monsters, Gondor and Mordor Guards.)
-Vendetta Coin (Drop only from DVC Monsters and need for buying S greade Weapon, Armor and jewel.)

*Epic Dark Knight Sets. (EDK)
(Heavy Set - CON +2, STR +2, Max. HP +800, Atk. Spd. +2%, P. Atk. +4%, P. Def. +10%, M. Def. +5%.) 
(Light Set - DEX +2, STR +2, Max. HP/MP +300, Atk. Spd. +6%, P. Atk. +6%, P. Def. +5%, Crit. Rate +10%, Spd +10.)
(Robe Set - WIT +2, INT+2, MEN -1, Max. HP +200, MP +800, Cst. Spd. +15%, M. Atk. +5%, P. Def. +4%, MP Reg. +8%, Spd +10, Small decrease in chance of spell interruption.)

*Kamikaze Sets(Visual like a Dynasty)
(Heavy Set - CON -2, STR +4, Max. HP +1000, Atk. Spd. +8%, P. Atk. +15%, Spd. +8, PvP Physical Damage +3%. Decrease P. Def./M. Def. -8%, Accuracy/Evasion -2%, Sleep and Hold Probability -25%.)
(Light Set - DEX +3, STR +4, CON -2, Max. HP/MP +400, Atk. Spd. +10%, P. Atk. +15%, Crit. Dmg. +5%, Speed +15, PvP Physical Skill Damage +3%, Decrease P. Def./M. Def. -10%, Accuracy/Evasion -3, Silence and Shok Resistance -30%.)
(Robe Set - WIT +2, INT +4, MEN -2, Max. HP +350, Max. MP +1000, Cst. Spd. +15%, M.Atk. +15%, Speed +15, PvP Magical Damage +3%, Decrease P. Def./M. Def. -10%, Accuracy/Evasion -3, Paralysis and Stun Resistance -30%.)

*Vendetta Sets(Visual like a Apella)
(Heavy Set - CON +3, STR +3, Max. HP +1200, Atk. Spd. +6%, P.Atk. +8%, P. Def. +15%, M.Def. +10%, PvP Physical Damage +5%, Sleep and Hold Probability +30%.)
(Light Set - DEX +3, STR +3, Max. HP/MP +500, Atk. Spd. +8%, P.Atk. +12%, P. Def. +10%, Evasion/Accuracy +3, Speed +20, Crt. rate +30, Crt. Dmg +6%, PvP Physical Skill Damage +5%, Silence and Shok Resistance +30%.)
(Robe Set - WIT +2, INT +4, Max. HP +500, Max. MP +1200, Cst. Spd. +15%, M. Atk. +10%, P. Def. +8%, Speed +20, MP Regen. +12%, M. Crit rate +6%, Pvp Magical Damage +5%, Paralysis and Stun Resistance +30%

*Epic Weapons ( Stats = Normal S greade Weapons but little up P. Atk/M. Atk.)
*Kamikaze Weapons (Fighter, Critical and Mage bonus skills.)
-Fighter Bonus Skill ( P.Atk/Atk. Spd. +15%. Decrease P. Def/M. Def -10%, Shok Resistance -25%.)
-Critical Bonus Skill ( Crit. Dmg +15%, Atk. Speed and Speed +10%. Decrease P. Def/M. Def -10%, Hold Resistance -25%.)
-Mage Bonus Skill ( Cst. Spd +15%, M. Atk +15%. Decrease P. Def/M. Def -10%, Hold, Sleep and Silence Resistance -25%.)
*Epic Mask ( Bonus - HP+300, Speed +30.)
*Epic Shield ( Bonus - P. Def +2%, Shok and Silence Resistance +20%)
*Epic Accessories ( 6 accessories with little bonus status.)
*Epic Cloaks ( Cloak Protection P.Def +500, Iron Will M.Def +500, Balance P. Def/M. Def +250.)
*Dual Sword of Miracles ( Stats = Arcana + Acumen.)
*Dusk Sword ( Stats = Arcana + Acumen.)
*Dusk Shield ( Bonus - P. Def +2%, Shok and Silence Resistance +20%)

Custom NPCs:

*Global Gatekeeper (Teleport to All Towns, Leveling Zone, Farm and Epic Zones.)
*NPC Buffer without Cov, Cat, Seraphin etc...
*Wedding Manager
*Misc Shop
*Weapon Shop
*Armor/Jewel Shop
*Epic Lord (All custom items here)
*Blacksmith of Mammon (Here you can unseal your Weapon, Armor and jewels)
*Merchant of Mammon (Here you can buy dyes and material recipes)
*Warehouse Keeper
*Symbol Maker
*Skill Manager (Here you can enchant skills for all classes with Secret Book of Giants)
*Boss Manager (Here you can see all custom raid and grand bosses respawn time)
*Ancient Trader (Here you can exchange seal stones, up level to Soul Crystal for SA, buy Dual Sword of Miracle, Dusk Sword and Shield)
*All class changer (Here change your 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Reward 1 BOG in 3rd.)
*Olympiad Manager

Custom Raid Bosses drop and Respawn time:

Raid Bosses in DVC.

*Dragon Lord ( Drop 3 Epic Weapon, Adena, BOG and BEWS,BEAS but little chance. Respawn of every 8 hours after killing of Raid boss.)
*Vampire Lord ( Drop 3 Epic Weapon, Adena, BOG and BEWS,BEAS but little chance. Respawn of every 8 hours after killing of Raid boss.)
*Witch King ( Drop 3 Epic Weapon, Adena, BOG and BEWS,BEAS but little chance. Respawn of every 8 hours after killing of Raid boss.)
*Forgotten King ( Drop 3 Epic Weapon, Adena, BOG and BEWS,BEAS but little chance. Respawn of every 8 hours after killing of Raid boss.)

Raid Bosses in Gondor.

*Ortho Lancer ( Drop 2 Epic Weapon, Adena and Wind Token. Respawn of every 12 hours after killing of Raid boss.)
*Gondor Commander ( Drop 2 Epic Weapon, Adena and Fire Token. Respawn of every 12 hours after killing of Raid boss.)
*Gondor Defender ( Drop 2 Epic Weapon, Adena and Water Token. Respawn of every 12 hours after killing of Raid boss.)
*Gimli ( Drop 2 Epic Weapon, Adena and Divine Token. Respawn of every 12 hours after killing of Raid boss.)
*Donetor II ( Drop 2 Epic Weapon, Adena and Earth Token. Respawn of every 12 hours after killing of Raid boss.)

Raid Bosses in Mordor.

*Bone Scorpion ( Drop 2 Mordor Weapon, Adena and Wind Token. Respawn of every 12 hours after killing of Raid boss.)
*Shelob ( Drop 2 Mordor Weapon, Adena and Water Token. Respawn of every 12 hours after killing of Raid boss.)
*Grishnakh ( Drop 2 Mordor Weapon, Adena and Earth Token. Respawn of every 12 hours after killing of Raid boss.)
*Morgoth ( Drop 2 Mordor Weapon, Adena and Fire Token. Respawn of every 12 hours after killing of Raid boss.)
*Sauron ( Drop 2 Mordor Weapon, Adena and Divine Token. Respawn of every 12 hours after killing of Raid boss.)


Grand Bosses Respawn time:

Baium: 7 days (168h), 2h random respawn.
Zaken: 2 days (48h), 2h random respawn.
Valakas: 13 days (312h), 2h random respawn
Antharas: 11 days (264h), 2h random respawn.
Queen Ant: 2 days (48h), 2h random respawn.
Frintezza: 2 days (48h), 2h random respawn.
Orfen: 36 hours, 1h random respawn.
Core: 36 hours, 1h random respawn.

Special Vendetta mods:

*Custom Anti-Bot System: We have a custom anti-bot system that will prevent bots from taking the joy of the game.
*Vendetta PvP Title Color System: PvPers will be awarded with custom title colors automatically, according to their PvP ranking.
*Chanpion System - Double HP, Triple drop rate.
*Work comand .online | .deposit/.withdraw - 1KKK Adena | .tvtjoin | .tvtleave | .tvtstatus | .raidinfo | .status | .skills | .inventory for security anti corrupion
*Shift + klick you can see what drop any monster and raid bosses.
*The player has to be inside in 1000 radius around the RaidBoss in order to get Nobless!
*Multibox protection - Maximum client per PC is 3. Disconect multibox in 30 sec.
*PvP/PK Announce massage.
*PvP/PK System Color name.
*Pvp Reward System - Vendetta Coin.
*Show enemys HP/CP on die.
*Balance class damages and class damages in oly.
*Death Penality chance if killed by mob is 20%.

And much more...

Edited by MeVsYou

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