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L2.ini custom music in system folder

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I have a problem with my l2.ini file, i want add custom music file in system folder but the client don't use my l2.ini config ;


i have try with .Ogg .Ogg .OGG, if i put my custom music in music folder it's work.

The same config for the custom SysTextures work.

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first is wrong section to ask it, check better later, and What I see there is difference of one dot, why? it contain two to load.




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Yes i have make mistake when i create the topic, i don't know how to do for relocated the topic.


One dot is for same folder, two is for parent folder.

The link is good beacause i use the same config for the textures custom ;


With the textures this conf work.


I think the client don't use this config for music files, beacause i have change the name of foler "music" in "musicTest" and change the conf for :


And no music works.

Edited by Jean-Luc Picard
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