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p.s.LOL eleos eisai man.....


kai bsk opos eipe kai o magaki PIOS MILAEI......


apla twra dn exoume ti na kanoume kai postaroume edw mipso kai anebei to topic se replies....


E L E O S!!!!!



2)lol dn tha m les mlkies twra...kanw post poly spania kai dn tha les mlkies plzzzz.....


kai oso gia to spam topic s eipa ekana 3 reply se ayto to topic shmera gt dn eixame ti na kanoume........

spam topic einai kai 343543543543 reply mporo na kanw GkeGke ???

toulaxiston dn kanoume san kai sena pou ta kaneis se alla section ;)

kai pes m einai kako ???

kai esy exeis kanei 34354343434 reply sto spam topic shmera...

KAI ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

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