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SOrry but i Need it


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Hi ppl, sorry but i don't know how to find token and etc i tryed but failed...




I don't know what to do, i hot that will be some WERY good ppl who can make it for me :(




I will be wery thankfull !!!


here it is link for Engine.dll nwindow.dll and l2.exe


(it is Hobby server)


DLLS and exe here

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ts3=5B 3B 27 2E 5D 31 33 2D 36 39 3D 3D 2D 25 26 40 21 5E 2B 5D












Quoted from maxtor

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mani know it but i get werification failed or something like that :)


i don't know what to do i want some1 IF they can make walker zip it and uplad it to rapidshare ready for use... but no1 can :(


bad couz only wersion is working for me is 10.2.3 and u know it is pointless to use couz it not atack mobs :D

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man don't be so.... sorry bad english...


realy can find token.... i can edit token.wp can set.ini and then STOP


i don't know what to do then :) realy i'm asking maybe to much... but if some1 is playng on hobby and have a bot i Realy beg him that he share bot with me :)

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