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Black icons



Hello, i want to add custom weapons to my own server and i did it but its one problem when i want add this to multisell all goes fine, but if i want buy it i dont see items icons and description just black squares look



can someone help ?

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I found out what the problem is.

With the logic of yours i get the same bug.

Writing solution...


Well at first... something has to do with weapongrp.dat

I don't know what exactly but something has to do with it.


After that... when i tried to put on multisell my custom weapon

(Dual Infinity Cleaver) i found out that black icons appear at the whole multisell things

including production,incredient and the status were showing me null...


What i had inside my multisell xml was:


  <item id="1">

    <production id="11113" count="1" />

    <ingredient id="57" count="150000000" />



Logicaly... there shouldn't be any problem...

But since the weapon is custom and we have changed something inside the weapongrp and inside the SQL File,

The information on the User's Interface is wrong ONLY WHILE ON MULTISELL...


So... i added 1 more Custom Weapon...

What i got was again 1 Item... not a second... just the first with the same Black Icons...


Then i decided to put a default item inside the multisell and after that my custom item...

What i got... is showing below...




Now what i have inside my multisell file is :


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

<!-- desc -->


  <!-- desc 1 -->


  <item id="1">

    <production id="59" count="1" />

    <ingredient id="57" count="150000000" />


  <item id="2">

    <production id="11113" count="1" />

    <ingredient id="57" count="150000000" />




I hope i helped... inform me by repling if your problem solved...

Using L2jFree 2741

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Did what i wrote helped you?

Is everything allright now?


As far ar the programs are concerned...

They are not always reliable... i prefer using my own thoughts / programs / hands to make what i want...

In addition... Guides from other people help me to make my thoughts wider and go forward...


So... can you upload an image to see what you did?

Plus... did you restart your server?

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i wrote simple multisell as u like that


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

<!-- desc -->


  <!-- desc 1 -->


  <item id="1">

    <production id="9713" count="1" />

    <ingredient id="57" count="150000000" />


  <item id="2">

    <production id="9714" count="1" />

    <ingredient id="57" count="150000000" />




save that + restart


still back square just items needed to buy are changed :(

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ok...i can see that you didn't get it :p

Inside the multisell... write everything is below with red color!

Delete everything Else !!!


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

<!-- desc -->


 <!-- desc 1 -->


  <item id="1">

   <production id="59" count="1" />

   <ingredient id="57" count="150" />



  <item id="2">

   <production id="9713" count="1" />

   <ingredient id="57" count="150" />



  <item id="3">

   <production id="9714" count="1" />

   <ingredient id="57" count="150" />




The problem is that when we add a custom item, the multisell trader somehow stuck.

I don't know yet why this is happening but if you put a Default by Server Item on start,

the multisell & the trader runs fine.


Reply with what you now have...

Restart your server...

And put an image...

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So... since the XML file is right...

Something is going on with the SQL and the weapongrp.dat...


What item is this?

Who is it's publisher?

Where did you find it?

Is it for the serverpack that you use? maybe it is for another one?


Waiting for your reply...

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its fire weapon i found it here on forum its loading to database without problems all in game are fine textures icons desriptions all fine but in that fucking multisell is wrong :/

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