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L2 Encoder-Decoder


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Supported Headers: 111,121,211,212,41x legacy,41x patched




USAGE: l2encdec.exe <command> <source file> [destination file]




command <mandatory>:


-d : decrypt


-s : decrypt legecy 41x


-l : decrypt legacy 41x + strip header


-e : encrypt


-h :<hdr> encrypt + use hdr encryption <choose from:111,121,211,212,411,412,413>








Double click your default l2.ini. it should be look like this:


L i n e a g e 2 V e r 1 1 1 δ¬ψ¬α¬ΰ¬’¬΅¬¦¬¬δ¬ι¬ν¬θ¬’¬΅¬¦¬¬ξ¬γ¬ etc...




Now you know its encoded with 111 header. to decode it run in the same folder l2encdec.exe in command prompt (start->run->cmd) and type this:




-l2encdec -d l2.ini (and hit enter)




a new file will be created with name l2-dec.ini that means its decoded and you can now open it. Make any changes you want and then encode it again (not neccesary). Now you type this:




-l2encdec -h 111 l2dec.ini l2.ini




Now your file is encoded again.


Follow these steps to encode-decode l2 htm files.

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can u get the ip this way?


how can i get the ip of the server that does not show the ip in the l2.ini in english




in l2.ini there is ServerAddr= and the ip address or host name. If its a host name, then resolve it (type ping www.yourservershost.com) in command prompt

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  • 3 months later...

oxi.to l2.ini tou tg prospa8w.basika ebala se 1 fakelo ola ta arxeia tou l2encdec.zip kai to l2.ini kai etsi to kana...mhpos xriazete tpt allo??a episis epeidh sto cmd den ebriske to l2encdec,to pira kai to ebala ston fakelo windows/system32 kai ekei mou to ebriske.meta petaksa mesa to l2.ini kai ta upoloipa kai ola ok alla mou petaei afto to sfalma

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dokimase na ftiakseis ena fakelo ksexoristo, oxi sto system32. bes sto command prompt kai grapse l2encdec -g l2.ini . An sto ksanagrapsei I/O error, tote to l2.ini einai packed , dokimase me PEiD na deis ti pezei

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