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♦ INFORMATIONS                          www.l2scolt.club

[EN] - Lineage2 Scolt - Lineage 2 Interlude.
Time Server, Site and Forum - GMT -3
Olympiads 1 Week
Siege 1 Week
Anti-Bot System (Gameguard)
AntZerg System
Geodata and Pathnodes - Yes
Sub-Class Quest - Not
Sub-Class Maximum Level - 85
Master Class - Yes 
Offline mode Shop - Yes
Auto Learn Skills - Yes
Auto Learn Loot - Yes
Auto Learn Raid & Grand Boss Loot - Not
Casino System - Yes
Achievements System - Sim
Champions System - Yes
Wedding System - Yes

♦ RATES                                                                         www.l2scolt.club

Experience (EXP) - 100x
Skill Points (SP) - 100x
Adena - * Balanced Drop
Drop Items - 1x
Quest Experience (EXP) - 10x
Quest Skill Points (SP) - 10x
Quest Adena - 10x
Spoil 8x
Quest Items Drop - 30x
Drop Seal Stones - 5.0x
Weight Limit - 7x
Manor - 5x
Extract Fish - 3x

♦ ENCHANTS                                     www.l2scolt.club

Safe Enchant - 3
Max Enchant - 16
Enchant Weapon Max - 16
Enchant Armor Max - 12
Enchant Jewelry Max - 12
Normal Scroll Chance - 35%
Blessed Scroll chance - 45% and does not crystallize, Failed back to +3!
Golden Scroll - Scroll from Tournament Event only, From +6 to +16 chance 60%, if failed back to +6!
Vips has a 5% bonus chance when enchanting!


Augment chance: 5% Only STR+1 MEN+1 CON+1 INT+1

♦ BUFFS INFOMATION                                www.l2scolt.club

Max Buff slots: 22+4 (Free Divine Inspiration). 
Comfortable NPC buffer with profiles, prophet buffs, songs, dances of 2nd and 3rd proff.
Buff time: 2 hours
All buffs for FREE
Chance Minimum Debuffs - 10%
Chance Maximum Debuffs - 90%


DDoS protection
Geodata and Pathnodes L2OFF ✅
You can only farm with 1 Client per (HWID)


Server Commands: .menu | .info | .ranking | .colormanager | .password | .donate and others


Olympiad Hero 7 Days, Min 9 Matches to be Hero! Not safe enchant!

♦ EVENTS                                                       www.l2scolt.club

TvT Event - Yes
CTF Event - Yes
Tournament Event - Yes
PartyZone Event - Sim, Horarios 11:40,17:20,22:30 - GMT-3


Farm System: All game hunting areas drop exclusively Adena, and Retail equipment, varying only according to their level. The other drops needed to purchase gmshop equipment are only available at Gatekeeper Global farm areas. Other items considered disposable on a Mid-PvP server. (materials, recipes, parts, etc) were completely removed from the game.

NPCs - NPCs The weapons, armor and accessories are uniquely customized to provide a unique experience in a fun and competitive environment.

Raid & Grand Boss: All raid and Grand game Bosses have drops and modified status. The drops and strength of Raid and Grand Bosses will vary depending on your level. The Drops may include: Ancient Adena, Equipment, Enchants, Argument Stones, Books and Boss Jewels. Chance Crystal's Grade 13 Drop BigBoss Only (30%), Chance Boss Jewelry Drop (100%) Drop BigBoss Only.

You do not need to go to the Quest Grand Boss, you can teleport directly by Gatekeeper (Global Gk).

All configurations and features that were not reported here are Retail, ie equal to the official Lineage II or were considered irrelevant.


♦ INFORMAÇÕES                                  www.l2scolt.club

[BR] - Lineage2 Scolt - Lineage 2 Interlude.
Horário do Servidor, Site e Fórum - GMT -3
Olympiads 1 Semana
Siege 1 Semana
Sistema Anti-Bot (Gameguard)
Sistema AntZerg
Geodata e Pathnodes - Sim
Sub-Classe Quest - Não
Sub-Classe Level Máximo - 80
Classe Master - Sim
Off-line Shop mode - Sim
Auto Learn Skills - Sim
Auto Learn Loot - Sim
Auto Learn Raid & Grand Boss Loot - Não
Casino System - Sim
Achievements System - Sim
Champions System - Sim
Wedding System - Sim

♦ RATES                                                                               www.l2scolt.club

Experiência (EXP) - 100x
Skill Points (SP) - 100x
Adena - * Drop balanceado
Drop Itens - 1x
Quest Experiencia (EXP) - 10x
Quest Skill Points (SP) - 10x
Quest Adena - 10x
Spoil 8x
Quest Drop Itens - 30x
Drop Seal Stones - 5.0x
Weight Limit - 7x
Manor - 5x
Extract Fish - 3x

♦ ENCHANTS                                                                   www.l2scolt.club

Safe Enchant - 3
Max. Enchant - 16
Enchant Weapon Max - 16
Enchant Armor Max - 12
Enchant Jewelry Max - 12
Normal Scroll chance - 35%
Blessed Scroll chance - 45% e não cristaliza, Falhou volta para +3!
Golden Scroll - Scroll obtido apenas em Tournament Event, Apartir de +6 até +16 chance 60%, se falhar volta para +6!
Vips tem 5% de chance bonus ao enchantar!

♦ AUGMENTS                                                                        www.l2scolt.club

Augment chance: 5% Only STR+1 MEN+1 CON+1 INT+1


Max Buff slots: 22 + 4 (Free Divine Inspiration).
Buffer NPC confortável com perfis, Buffs de profeta, Songs, danças de segunda e terceira profissão.
Tempo Buff: 2 horas
Todos os buffs GRATUITAMENTE
Chance Minimum Debuffs - 10%
Chance Maximum Debuffs - 90%

♦ PROTECTIONS                                                       www.l2scolt.club

DDoS protection
Geodata and Pathnodes L2OFF ✅
You can only farm with 1 Client per (HWID)


Server Commands: .menu | .info | .ranking | .colormanager | .password | .donate and others

♦ OLYMPIADS                                                            www.l2scolt.club

Olympiad Hero 7 Days, Min 9 Matches to be Hero! Not safe enchant!


TvT Event - Sim
CTF Event - Sim
Tournament Event - Sim
PartyZone Event - Sim, Horarios 11:40,17:20,22:30 - GMT-3

♦ MODIFICAÇÕES                                             www.l2scolt.club

Sistema de Farm: Todos as áreas de caça do jogo dropam exclusivamente Adena, e equipamentos Retail, variando apenas conforme o seu nível. Os demais drops necessarios para a compra de equipamentos no gmshop está disponivel apenas nas areas de farm da Gatekeeper Global, Outros items considerados descartáveis em um servidor Mid-PvP (materiais, recipes, peças, etc) foram completamente removidos do jogo.

NPCs - Os NPCs de armas, armaduras e acessórios são exclusivamente customizados para proporcionar uma experência única em um ambiente divertido e competitivo.

Raid & Grand Boss: Todos os Raid e Grand Bosses do jogo possuem drops e status modificados. Os drops e força dos Raid e Grand Bosses irão variar conforme o seu nível. Os Drops podem incluir: Ancient Adena, Equipamentos, Enchants, Pedras de argumento, Livros e Boss Jewels. Chance Crystal's Grade 13 Drop (30%), Chance Boss Joias Drop (100%) Drop Somente em BigBoss.

Não é necessário fazer Quest para ir até os Grand Boss, é possível se teleportar diretamente pela Gatekeeper (Gk Global).

Todas as configurações e características que não foram informadas aqui estão Retail, ou seja, iguais ao Lineage II oficial, ou foram consideradas irrelevantes.


2. Your topic include the type of your server like: [L2OFF] or [L2J]

Please read the rules before making a new thread!

You have 24 Hours to fix your title !

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