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I said that in an other post also, but nobody answered and I thought that it might better that way!


I play in Official, Franz, and I have this problem a long time now....


The OOG client, of a specific Char (my BD), crashes after a while!!  The Other 2 Clients (1 IG, and One OOG) both logged with Walker, are fine!!!  The BD always Crashes! 


After the error, I get this :






I tried to make a New INI , I tried many things, but nothing helped the situation! I even Formated My PC, but still no progress...


Last week, from Tuesday to Friday, everything was fine! And on friday since now, the client cannot be on, for more than 40' ....


The Client remains opened, but the Character don't function at all... When I press "Don't send" (an error report), the client shuts down, and the character loggs out...


Plz help!

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