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Heh, this is nice if you find a host for your files, or if you have a lot of free bandwidth ;D Here it is, a guide for making your own server's auto updater. Fast and easy. The only problem is to find the hoster but anyway, still the old .rar system is the easiest method (as downloading all these files uncompressed is f*cking slow, unless you only change 1-2 files almost everyday or without big time gaps... Ok ok, i end my speech here, and i go on  :-\ Here we go... First of all we download the file, i think it is an easy one :P Then, we paste all the files that we would like other people to download inside the lineage II clean folder (\LineageIIUpdatePack_v3072\ServerSide\AdmSide) and we run HttpUpdateGenerator. The first time we select the lineage II clean folder and then the lineage II compressed folder. Okz, ready for server side, now we go to client side (the files in compressed folder can be uploaded @ any webhoster that provides you access (add the webside folder first, then the files in a seperate folder like update for example) (like web site hosters). The main file in client side is Lineage2Update. Let's open it... and view it...



Updates= <~ The link from which it gonna take the files for update

Home= <~ Home page link

News= <~ Server News link

Support= <~ Server support link

Account= <~ Account manager link (Can be skipped too if you have auto create)

ServerIP= <~ It will add this ip to your hosts automatically (and the resovable hostname for the ip... it will add L2authd.Lineage2.com @ hosts file)


After you edit this file, you give this file and Lineage2Update to your users and that's all folks. ;) I hope you will make it work :P


*You can edit the folder webside as you wish ;)

  • 1 year later...

but where is the link to download ???


check the dates b4 posting ...


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