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WTS Elixir x3 items,chars,adena

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I got  some items and char for sell in Elixir x3


PP 78 - 60 days subscription

Destro 78 ( subclass HE 60 ) - 65 days subscription

EE 68 - 5 days subscription

SE 58 - 3 days subscription

BD 58 - 20 days subscription




MJ light set 4/3/3/3

Tallum hvy set 4/3/3/3

Shyed Bow +3 Focus

Eminence Bow +8

Infernal Master focus +3

Halberd Wide blow +3


Adena stock 850kk - 1 EUR --> 23kk


Midleman is possible but you have to cover transaction, if you want to buy char first i can give you char to check without pin of course if all ok then we make transaction.


PM here or


Skype  stronger

Discord Goodlike#5729

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