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Russian to English



I found a Russian faction server pack and everything works great but the server is basically 100% in russian and Im looking for some help xfering it over to English! Not sure if there is a simple way or not. I already made sure it was on English in the Localization.ini in the system folder but even that didnt change the fact that the buffs and other text was in russian. I understand why the custom npcs are in russian obviously but cant figure out why the base game is still in RU. Thanks for the help!

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If you don't ready to pay at least $500 you never will find someone who will ready translate it to english. It's around 20,000 HTMLs and all need to check with L2OFF sources. Assume what around 5-10% HTMLs is custom for retail NPCs.


In the end, i doubt what it good idea. Better learn russian and translate by self or find another sources on the english.

Edited by Rootware
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