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interlude [L2J] L2Virus


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    Virus INTERLUDE Custom PvP. 
Opening >>> 22 MARCH 20:00 GMT+2


L2Virus Features



  • Experience:300x.
  • Skill Points:300x.
  • Adena:1200x
  • Normal Enchant Scrolls 65%
  • Blessed Max Enchant +12 for Armor (Blessed Scrolls Rate 45%)
  • Blessed Max Enchant +14 for Weapons (Blessed Scrolls Rate 45%)
  • Crystal max +18 for Weapons(45% if item wont succesfully enchant will drop one enchant bellow.
  • Stackable active augments.(1 passive + ∞ actives)
  • Mid Grade LS: 5%.
  • High-Grade LS: 8%
  • Top-Grade LS: 17%

General Information

  • Custom Start Town of Giran
  • PVP/PK Color System
  • Killing Spree System
  • Buff slots 24+4
  • Solo and Party Dungeons
  • Sieges & Manors working L2OFF likes
  • Skills & classes based on retail L2OFF balance
  • Flawless Geodata & Pathnodes
  • Max subclasses 7
  • Party Zone changes every day to a new zone
  • PvP Zone changes every hour to a new zone
  • Epic Boss zones are Chaotic
  • And Many more features!

Protection against botting

  • SGuard(L2-Scripts) blocks cheating, bots and abusive players
  • also .report command ingame





Edited by souezas
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  • Psyancy changed the title to [L2J]L2Virus

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