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WTB Adena Skelth 0.45€ Adena Giran 1.43€ TI 1.3$


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ADENA  ADENA.jpg.a8eb4f45b1b30067db54f23b19e42aed.jpg :I'm buying Adena At Skelth/giran at the prices listed below.
Buying Price 0.45€ 
 per  million   At Skelth

Buying Price 1.40€ per million At Giran

Buying Price 1.3$ Per million at Talking Island




- Forum PM

- Skype: raidfightitems skype.png.06c9486107b8f152ea35c4cb368cd54a.png

Discord Name Pony#7611  whateve5435.png
Be Careful When You Add Me At Discord, there's 3 fake pony's with the same name/similiar number, pm me at maxcheaters first to verify you are talking with me on discord
, or at skype.

- Payments with: Paypal paypal.png.a336b6d11352f8c9bce23c804ecc516a.png

TO AVOID FAKE ACCOUNTS RISK, YOU WILL BE ASKED TO GIVE A KEYWORD THAT WILL BE ONLY GIVEN BY FORUM PM (send pm in forum and give me any keyword/number and i will answer it back to you once you have added me in skype, so we are 100% sure we are talking with the correct person).

Edited by Pony
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